
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; one who believes in; one who is engaged in; someone who does something)

amalgamationist (s) (noun), amalgamationists (pl)
An individual or an organization that advocated the blending of two races; specifically, "whites" and "blacks": "A blending of the two races by amalgamation is just what is needed for the perfection of both," a white Boston clergyman, who was an amalgamationist, wrote in 1845.

Few American abolitionists were proponents of amalgamation, but many were called amalgamationists by proslaveryites in the two decades or so before the Civil War in the U.S.

This American term of amalgamationist has been applied to anyone who favors a social and genetic mixture of whites and blacks and was first recorded in 1838, when Harriet Martineau complained that people were calling her an amalgamationist when she didn't even know what the word meant.

Harriet Martineau (June 12, 1802–June 27, 1876) was an English writer and philosopher, renowned in her day as a controversial journalist, political economist, abolitionist and "a life-long feminist".

—Based on information from
Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins by Robert Hendrickson;
Facts On File, Inc.; New York; 1997; page 20.

Amalgamationist quotes

1. White America is definitely and unalterably opposed to the integration and amalgamation of the two races.
2. Black America, the masses, are equally opposed to the integration and amalgamation of the races.
3. The drive for more and more amalgamation is, and always has been spearheaded by those "coloureds" who maintain a separatist society within the black race, and who are not, and never have been, identified with the black masses.
—From "Black Political Party"
ambulomantist (s) (noun), ambulomantists (pl)
A person who uses walking as a means of foretelling future events.
Anyone, or any organism, that dwells by a river.
Anabaptist (s), Anabaptists (pl) (nouns)
A member of a movement of the Protestant Reformation who believed in adult baptism, freedom of religious beliefs, separation of church and state, the rejection of war, and other beliefs that were rather advanced for their time: "Anabaptists believed that infants were not punishable for sin because they had no awareness of good and evil and thus could not yet exercise free will, repent, and accept baptism."

"Denying the validity of infant baptism, Anabaptists accepted adult baptism, which was regarded as a second baptism by those outside the group who identified them as Anabaptists (from the Greek for rebaptizers)."

"Anabaptists sought to restore the institutions and spirit of the primitive church."

anaesthetist, anesthetist (s) (noun), anaesthetists; anesthetists (pl)
A person trained to administer medications which induce an insensibility or dullness to pain: It takes several years of training and supervision by a senior staff member to qualify as an anesthetist.

There is a major distinction between an "anesthesiologist" and an anesthetist. An anesthesiologist is a physician (or, less often, a dentist) who specializes in the practice of anesthesiology, while an anesthetist is a nurse, or technician, trained to administer anesthetics.

The history of medicine is a story of amazing foolishness and amazing intelligence.

-Jerome Tarshis
anarchist (s) (noun), anarchists (pl)
1. Someone who rejects the need for a system of government in society and proposes its abolition: The anarchists at the university campus sought to occupy the offices of the administration and to disrupt the operations of the university.
2. Any one who tries to overthrow a society’s formal system of government or behaves in a generally lawless manner and encourages others to do the same: Some anarchists wrote a book which suggested ways to overthrow legitimate establishments.
1. A corps of anatomists.
2. A body of anatomists.
andrologist (s) (noun), andrologists (pl)
Doctors who specialize in men's health, aging problems, or in treating infertile men: "Andrologists have been tending to men's health woes for decades."
anecdotist (s) (noun), anecdotists (pl)
1. A person who tells, collects, or publishes short accounts of interesting or humorous incidents: Jill is skilled in telling anecdotes to her fellow workers about some customers.
2. Etymology: from Greek ekdidonai, "to give out, to pubish"; from ex-, "out" + dicdonai, "to give."
anesthesiologist (s) (noun), anesthesiologists (pl)
1. A physician or, less often, a dentist who specializes in the practice of medicine involving the use of drugs or other agents that cause insensibility to pain: Before Robert's root canal operation, Dr. Jones, the dentist and a trained anesthesiologist, administered a local medication so the patient would feel no pain.
2. A physician who specializes in the administration of pain killers in order to prevent or to cause an insensibility to pain during surgery, birth labor and delivery, or other medical procedures: An anesthesiologist has a medical doctorate whereas an anesthetist does not. An anesthetist is a nurse, or technician, trained to administer anesthetics.

Among some hospital workers, anesthesiologists are known as the "dream team".

anesthetist (s) (noun), anesthetists (pl)
A person, not necessarily a physician, who administers medications to a person or an animal, the purpose of which is to render the recipient unaware of pain: The hospital employed several anesthetists to work in the operation rooms.
angiologist (s) (noun), angiologists (pl)
1. A specialist in the practice of blood and lymph vessels of the body.
2. A doctor who specializes in the knowledge of blood and lymph vessels.
1. Someone who marries another person of a significanly different age; particularly when a very young man marries a much older woman.
2. A person who advocates or supports marriage between older women with much younger men.
animalist (AN uh muh list) (s) (noun), animalists (pl)
Someone who is a believer in, or one who has a greater interest, in physical rather than non-physical needs: Tom’s mode of living seemed to be more of that of an animalist because he was only concerned with enjoying good health and vigorous bodily activities.
annalist (AN uh list)
1. Someone who writes records of events arranged chronologically by each year or by successive years; a chronicler: "The annalist wrote a series of chronicles about the events that took place during the existence of the club."
2. A writer, or historian, who compiles the records and reports of an organization or a learned field in chronological order: "The historical annalist compiled a book about the city over the last 100 years."