(Greek > Latin: a suffix; one who believes in; one who is engaged in; someone who does something)
A person who believes in the doctrine that the soul existed in a previous state and is infused into the body of a person at conception or birth.
instrumentalist (s), instrumentalists (pl)
1. Someone who plays a musical instrument; especially, as a vocation or a career.
2. A supporter or advocate of instrumentalism which is the pragmatic doctrine that ideas are plans for action serving as instruments for adjustment to the environment and that their validity is determined by their effectiveness.
2. A supporter or advocate of instrumentalism which is the pragmatic doctrine that ideas are plans for action serving as instruments for adjustment to the environment and that their validity is determined by their effectiveness.
An individual who provokes or takes part in an armed revolution against an established government, especially in the hope of improving the political situation: In the United States, Nat Turner, who was an insurrectionist in 1831, was the head of a rebellion of slaves in Virginia, and he was later found and executed.
Someone who is versed in or an adherent of an interlanguage or interlanguages.
1. A person who believes that different countries should help and be amiable with each other: The opinions of the internationalists printed in the newspaper column were read by all of the residents in the town.
2. A specialist in the laws and relations of foreign countries: Jim's neighbour is an internationalist who works primarily for the nations of the Far East.
2. A specialist in the laws and relations of foreign countries: Jim's neighbour is an internationalist who works primarily for the nations of the Far East.
A person who has the theory that basic principles and truths are known directly by premonition, insight or the 6th sense: Albert was known among his friends in the police department to be an intuitionalist because his feelings, hunches, or instincts were almost always accurate in solving criminal cases.

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One who believes in and practices isolationism.
A judge or lawyer who is an expert in a specific legal field: Judge Lawrence was described by his colleagues as an eminent jurist in the area of commercial law.
Jurists are usually people who have distinguished themselves by writing about legal subjects or to judges.
Martin Roy was described by his colleagues as an eminent jurist in the area of legal processes.
A collector of leather garments: Janet, a karossophilist, just loved articles, like purses and belts, and clothing, like jackets and pants, made from the skins of animals that had been made smooth by taking off the hair and by tanning, and her closet was full of such lovely pieces.
karyologist, caryologist
1. Someone who studies cell nuclei; especially, with reference to chromosomes.
2. A specialist who researches the branch of cytology that concentrates on the study of the cell nucleus; especially, the structures and functions of the chromosomes
2. A specialist who researches the branch of cytology that concentrates on the study of the cell nucleus; especially, the structures and functions of the chromosomes
A non-medical person who treats diseases by various kinds of movements: Joe's uncle was a kinesipathist, a practitioner who used various muscular motions as a remedy for illnesses.