-ism, -ismus
(Greek, ismos; Latin, ismus: a suffix: belief in, practice of, condition of, process, characteristic behavior or manner, abnormal state, distinctive feature or trait)
Poisoning by vegetable foods infested with molds or bacteria.
skepticism, scepticism
1. The disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge.
2. A doubt about the truth of something.
3. A doubting or questioning attitude or state of mind; dubiety.
4. In philosophy, the ancient school of Pyrrho of Elis who stressed the uncertainty of our beliefs in order to oppose dogmatism.
5. The doctrine that absolute knowledge is impossible, either in a particular domain or in general.
6. A methodology based on an assumption of doubt with the aim of acquiring approximate or relative certainty.
7. Doubt or disbelief of religious tenets.
8. Etymology: from Latin scepticus, which came from Greek skeptikos; from skeptesthai, "to reflect, to look, to view".
2. A doubt about the truth of something.
3. A doubting or questioning attitude or state of mind; dubiety.
4. In philosophy, the ancient school of Pyrrho of Elis who stressed the uncertainty of our beliefs in order to oppose dogmatism.
5. The doctrine that absolute knowledge is impossible, either in a particular domain or in general.
6. A methodology based on an assumption of doubt with the aim of acquiring approximate or relative certainty.
7. Doubt or disbelief of religious tenets.
8. Etymology: from Latin scepticus, which came from Greek skeptikos; from skeptesthai, "to reflect, to look, to view".
1. A political theory advocating state ownership of industry.
2. An economic system based on state ownership of capital.
3. A political movement based on principles of socialism, typically advocating an end to private property and to the "exploitation of workers".
2. An economic system based on state ownership of capital.
3. A political movement based on principles of socialism, typically advocating an end to private property and to the "exploitation of workers".
The interpretation of myths by reference to the sun; especially, such interpretation which is carried to an extreme.
The doctrine or tenet of justification (salvation) is by belief alone and without works.
1. The belief that one's self is the only object of real knowledge or the only thing that really exists: Solipsism is the philosophical idea that just the mind, and nothing else, is present, while everything else, the external world, is uncertain and cannot be verified.
2. The condition of self-centerdness or selfishness: Jane really wondered why some people believe in solipsism and act in such an egocentric and self-seeking way, and so inconsiderate of other people.
2. The condition of self-centerdness or selfishness: Jane really wondered why some people believe in solipsism and act in such an egocentric and self-seeking way, and so inconsiderate of other people.
1. The belief that emotional and mental disorders are of physical origin and caused by bodily lesions.
2. The conviction by a psychotherapist or other health professional that every neurosis and psychosis has an organic or physical cause.
2. The conviction by a psychotherapist or other health professional that every neurosis and psychosis has an organic or physical cause.
1. A procedure that involves getting out of bed and walking around or performing other complex motor behavior while being asleep: The individual who is experiencing somnambulism is relatively unresponsive, not alert, not easily awakened, and often does not even remember what was going on at the time.
2. Sleep walking is described by some medical people as "a partial arousal disorder", in which a person is not fully asleep but who is also not completely awake: Somnambulism can be caused by sleep deprivation, alcohol, fevers, stress, or by some mental and neurological conditions.

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Because of his chronic somnambulism, traveling independently was a risk for Sarah's son; so, he always traveled with a friend or a member of his family.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
The act or habit of talking while sleeping.
Another term for hypnotism.
A change in the amount of spherical aberration (defect in a lens or mirror) visible in a lens that occurs with a change in the color of light used to test the lens.
A spherical lens decentered to produce a prismatic effect, or a combined spherical lens and prism.