-ism, -ismus
(Greek, ismos; Latin, ismus: a suffix: belief in, practice of, condition of, process, characteristic behavior or manner, abnormal state, distinctive feature or trait)
Anyone who has a tendency or inclination to murder his/her father, or either parent, or other near relative.
The principle or system of governing or controlling a country, group of employees, etc. in a manner suggesting a father’s relationship with his children.
Abnormal morphology of an organism or organ: In her medical class, Peggy viewed the pathomorphism of the unusual and bizarre forms and structures of the internal organs of the dead body.
The tendency of drugs to pass into diseased areas: In her biology class in college, Ruth learned that pathotropism concerned certain disease structures that attracted drugs.
Love and loyal or zealous support of one’s own country
pedagogism, paedagogism, pedagoguism, paedagoguism (s) (noun); pedagogisms; paedagogisms; pedagoguisms; paedagoguisms (pl)
The character, spirit, or manner of a teacher; the system of teaching: Pedagogism applies to the business, the ways, the system, and the occupation of teachers who instruct children.
Education today, more than ever before, must see clearly the dual objectives: education for living and educating for making a living.
A condition of excessive attention to the correct rules and details of something; pedantry: Professor Wright was known for his pedanticism when expressing himself and when correcting his students term papers and so not many students signed up for his seminars.
As an example of Prof. Wright's pedanticism, he was especially concerned with language, the usage of terms, and grammar.
1. An excessive concern with the behavior in the way of a pedant: The pedantism of Jim's mother was quite difficult to live with because she always paid attention to perfect table manners and to the way he dressed himself.
2. A display of academic learning: Nobody wanted to have Mr. Smith as a teacher because he was known for his pedantism and strict methods of teaching.
2. A display of academic learning: Nobody wanted to have Mr. Smith as a teacher because he was known for his pedantism and strict methods of teaching.
The baptism of children or the historic Christian religious rite of sprinkling on the forehead, or the immersion in water: Pedobaptism symbolizes the purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian Church.
Childhood characteristics in certain adult mammals: It has been noted that pedomorphism not only can affect people as adults, but also in amphibians that retain juvenile traits and mannerisms.
pejorism (PEJ or riz'm)
1. The belief that the world is becoming worse.
2. The opinion or doctrine that everything in nature is growing worse.
2. The opinion or doctrine that everything in nature is growing worse.
A rarely used term for seasickness: Having pelagism isn't nice as Susan discovered on the boat tour she was on during vacation because the unusual motion upset her stomach and she had to vomit, in addition to being dizzy and having a headache.