-ism, -ismus

(Greek, ismos; Latin, ismus: a suffix: belief in, practice of, condition of, process, characteristic behavior or manner, abnormal state, distinctive feature or trait)

A belief in local deities or spirits.
An orientation response occurring at night or turning in a certain direction at night; nyctitropic, nyctitropism.

The tendency of certain plant organs, as the leaflets of clover, to assume special “sleeping” positions at night.

obscurantism (s) (noun), obscurantisms (pl)
1. A policy of opposition to the increase, enlightenment, or the spread of knowledge: The national educational policy specialized in obscurantisms, denying any public comments about the new textbooks that were being used.
2. The practice of withholding information from the people: The national government was accused of secrecy and political obscurantism regarding what happened during the military rescue of the person who was abducted by the terrorists.
3. A style in art and literature characterized by deliberate vagueness: A good writer avoids the use of obscurantisms so readers won't have to struggle to understand what he or she is trying to present.
obsoletism (s) (noun), obsoletisms (pl)
A disused word or phrase; an archaism which is no longer utilized: Obsoletism is a word, expression, practice, or method from an earlier time that is no longer used, or the use of expressions, techniques, and fashions from an earlier period of time.
Occidentalism (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. The quality or customs or mannerisms characteristic of Western civilizations: The young bride insisted on maintaining her customs of Occidentalism, such as afternoon tea, even though the temperatures were high.
2. The scholarly knowledge of Western cultures, languages, and people: Rudyard's Occidentalism was noticed specifically in his essays which were published in scholarly presses.
occultism (s) (noun), occultisms (pl)
1. A belief in supernatural and magical powers and the ability to control them: The occultism of Jim's neighbor was not attracting much attention; as far as, those who lived nearby were concerned because they didn't believe he had any special mystical talents.
2. Etymology: from Latin occulere, "to hide", a term originally used to suggest a secret and hidden tradition of esoteric or mysterious knowledge.
A person who is eighty years old, or eighty to eighty-nine years of age.
olfactism (s) (noun), olfactisms (pl)
A sensation of smelling.
The presence of fewer than five digits on a hand or foot.
1. Deficiency of saliva.
2. Slight or scanty secretion of saliva; also, oligosialia.
ombratropism (s) (noun) (usually not plural)
Responses to and adaptations to rainy conditions.
Belief in all religions.
1. A condition marked by a dream prolonged from sleep into a period of waking.
2. A dreamlike hallucination in a waking condition.
3. An abnormal dreamlike state of consciousness.
4. A dreamlike state occurring while someone is awake.