-ism, -ismus

(Greek, ismos; Latin, ismus: a suffix: belief in, practice of, condition of, process, characteristic behavior or manner, abnormal state, distinctive feature or trait)

futurism (s) (noun), futurisms (pl)
1. A belief that the meaning of life and a person's personal fulfillments will exist in a time that has not arrived: People's futurisms are believed to be times that depend on the past and so are closely related to optimism that personal and social fulfillments will come later.
3. A style of art, literature, music, etc., and a theory of art and life in which violence, power, speed, mechanization or machines, and dislike of the past or to traditional forms of expression were advocated or portrayed: The expressions of futurism indicated that energy and values would be changed by the machine age.
1. Current electricity.
2. That branch of physics that deals with electric currents.
3. Treatment of disease by electricity.
A defect of speech, occurring mostly in younger children, in which the sounds represented by g and k are not articulated, being replaced by other sounds; usually, those which are represented by d.

It results in the "baby talk" of young children.

That stage of growth or development in an organism, in which the reproductive elements are generated and matured in preparation for propagating the species.
Appearing to speak from the stomach; ventriloquism.
geocentrism (s) (noun) (no pl)
The belief that the Earth is the center of the universe: The opinion that the sun revolved around the Earth and that the Earth was stationary was all the rage in Galileo's day.
geodiatropism (s) (noun) (no pl)
A response of a plant to gravity in which a part of the plant adopts a horizontal position: Geodiatropism can be exemplified by rhizomes (as with iris and ginger) that grow parallel above ground or underground. The rhizomes also provide the growth of new plants.
geomagnetism (s) (noun), geomagnetisms (pl)
1. The magnetism of the Earth: Geomagnetism includes the various magnetic things that happen when they are generated by the Earth and its atmosphere, and by extension, the magnetic phenomena in interplanetary space.

Geomagnetism refers to te many magnetic phenomena that are generated by the Earth and its atmosphere, and to the magnetic phenomena in interplanetary space.
2. A branch of geology concerned with the magnetic properties of the Earth (no pl): Jim's mother was an expert in geomagnetism and gave lectures at the university, in addition to doing research in this field of science.

geonyctitropism (s) (noun), geonyctitropisms (pl)
The condition of an orientation movement in plants during darkness as they respond to gravity: The situation of geonyctitropism can be exemplified in cannabis plants when the leaves take on a downward position at night.
geoparallotropism (s) (noun) (no pl)
An orientation movement of an organ or structure to bring it parallel to the soil surface: Geoparallotropism can be seen in creepers that have long, fragile, and weak stems or roots.
geophagism (s) (noun) (no pl)
The ingestion of soil or clay: In the story Susan was reading, the daughter of the protagonist had a habit of geophagism which annoyed her parents very much!
geoplagiotropism (s) (noun) (no pl)
Orientation at an oblique angle to the soil surface: The situation of geoplagiotropism can be exemplified by rhizomes which are subterranean shoots which thrive parallel to the soil and have the function of storing food and of vegetative reproduction.
geoseism (s) (noun), geoseisms (pl)
Another term for an earthquake: Lynn learned that when there were tremors within the planet, it was also called a geoseism.
geotropism (s) (noun), geotropisms (pl)
1. The response of a plant to gravity, as evidenced by growing patterns: Geotropism can be explained as the downward root growth and growth curvature.
2. Plant growth or movement in response to gravity: Primary roots (tap roots) grow vertically towards gravity (positive geotropism) whereas primary shoots grow vertically away from gravity (negative geotropism), though the direction of shoot growth may also be modified by light.
The branch of medicine concerned with the medical problems and care of the aged.