inter-, intero-

(Latin: between; among, mutually, together; on the inside, internal)

Although abstracted from the many compounds in which it entered English, the form inter- was not generally considered a living prefix in English until the 1400s.

During the later period of Middle English many words borrowed in the Old and Middle French forms entre-, enter- began to be consciously respelled with Latin inter-; although vestiges of the older French borrowings are found in entertain and enterprise.

The living prefix inter- is now freely added to almost any element in English to create such formations with the meaning of "between" and "among". The words formed by intra- are closely related to this inter- prefix; in fact, they both apparently came from the same Latin source.

—Based on information from Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology
interdiction (s) (noun), interdictions (pl)
1. The action of forbidding by or as by authority; authoritative or peremptory prohibition: "The government official issued an interdiction that would forbid dog owners from allowing their pets to wander the streets.
2. The interruption of supply operations by aerial bombing: "As a result of the bombing by enemy forces, there was an interdiction of supplies to the city and the residents were slowly starving.
interdictory (adjective), more interdictory, most interdictory
1. A reference to that which is forbidden, usually in a formal or an authoritative manner: "Peanuts and peanut products are on the interdictory list of items that may be served at the hospital due to the high risk of allergic reactions."
2. Pertaining to, or noting, a prohibition: "The king gave a very interdictory speech explaining why he was no longer allowing the export of grain to a specific country."
1. To interlock, as the fingers of two hands that are joined; to be interwoven; to commingle.
2. To interweave.
interdigital (adjective) (not comparable)
Regarding something located or occurring between the fingers or toes: Dr. Lawson looked at the tissues between Tom's toes and told him that he had an interdigital fungus infection which could be treated and cured easily.
Foot web; literally, between the digits; especially, as seen with penguins, ducks, geese, etc.
1. To become interlocked like the fingers of folded hands.
2. An interlocking of parts by fingerlike processes.
interdisciplinary, pluridisciplinary (adjectives)
Of or pertaining to two or more disciplines or branches of learning: "The student was contributing to and benefiting from three interdisciplinary areas of study."
interest (s), interests (pl) (nouns)
1. The power of attracting or holding a person's interest because it is unusual, exciting, etc.: "They said nothing of great interest."
2. A sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something: "An interest in music."
3. A social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims: "The iron interests stepped up production."
4. A right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something: "They have interests all over the world."
5. A fixed charge for borrowing money; usually a percentage of the amount borrowed: "How much interest do you pay on your mortgage?"
6. A diversion that occupies a person's time and thoughts; usually pleasantly: "He counts reading among his main interests."
7. A reason for wanting something done: "In the interest of safety."
8. Etymology: "legal claim or right; concern; benefit, advantage"; earlier interesse (late 14th century), from Anglo-French interesse, "what one has a legal concern in", from Middle Latin interesse, "compensation for loss", from Latin interresse, "to concern, to make a difference, to be of importance"; literally, "to be between", from inter-, "between" + esse. "to be".

The form was influenced in the 15th century by Old French interest, "damage"; from Latin interest, "it is of importance, it makes a difference", the third person singular present tense of interresse.

The financial sense of "money paid for the use of money lent" (1520's) earlier was distinguished from usury (illegal under Church law) by being a reference to "compensation that is due from a defaulting debtor".

interest, interests, interested, interesting (verbs)
1. To cause someone to want to learn more about something or to become involved in something: "Military history interests me and so that's why I have so many books about this subject."

"It interested him to know that she once lived in Paris, France, too."

2. To persuade a person to have, to take, or to participate in something: "The salesman tried to interest her in a more expensive computer."

"The story in the book was interesting the children more and more as the father read to them."

interesting (adjective)
Attracting people's attention and making them want to learn more about something or to be involved in something that is not dull or boring: "The speaker presented some very interesting reasons as to why there are so many problems with our current economic conditions."

"This culture has an interesting history and so these sutdents want to learn more about it."

Intercultural as between different ethnic groups.
An electronic interconnection of devices; whether hardware or software.

Related "together" units: com-; greg-; struct-.

Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "internal organs, entrails, inside": ent-; enter-; fistul-; incret-; intra-; splanchn-; viscer-.