-ics, -tics [-ac after i]
(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)
2. The practice or art of participating in physical exercises: Calisthenics is recommended to relax the muscles before a person starts running; especially, long distance runs.
3. From Greek kalli-, "beautiful" (kallos, "beauty") plus sthenos, "strength".

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2. The branch of medical science that studies the forces and motions involved in the heart’s actions.
2. A branch of optics involved with the formation of images by speculums or polished metals: Dr. Tweedie, the physics professor, lectured about catoptrics which involved how images are produced by curved-suface mirrors.
2. Etymology: from Greek keraunos, "thunder and lightning".
2. The art of wax modeling or modelling in wax.
2. If an active ingredient is chirally correct; that is, if it has the right optical activity so as to be recognized and "fit" the chemistry of the human body, it will do the job nature designed it to do.
"Chiral incorrectness" and the use of petroleum byproducts are the two principal reasons that mainstream skin care really can't offer any hope of delivering meaningful results.
The science of optically corrected organic compounds is called chirality and the science of chirality is said to have started with Louis Pasteur, who discovered that biologically active molecules often occur in two mirror-image forms called isomers or simply, "hands".
These "hands" can be visualized as "sides" in which the only similarity is that they look the same.
Although they are stereo images of each other, the chirally correct side has a positive result but the chirally incorrect side can have negative results in cosmetic compounds.
The process of unzipping or separating these two sides is called chiral resolution, and the end result is that the chirally correct side can be isolated and used in highly beneficial ways, and the dangerous, harmful side can be discarded.
Some cosmetic companies claim to be producing cosmeceauticals that are "pharmacologically active products" which "blur the line between cosmetics and pharmaceuticals".
The biochemistry of the human body is said to have become increasingly chirally selective and chirally pure which is partially a result of environmental attack and toxin overload.
Chiral skin care is so advanced; that it effectively renders any other approach obsolete!
2. Treatment of disease by means of chemical substances or drugs; usually used in reference to neoplastic disease (a new and abnormal formation of tissue; such as, a tumor or other growth). Also known as, pharmacotherapy.
3. The treatment of a disease with chemicals or drugs; used especially in reference to the treatment of cancer with chemicals.
2. Relating to wealth and how it is calculated by money.