-ics, -tics [-ac after i]
(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)
2. The science of the movements within developing organisms.
2. The study of language functions as related to or derived from biological characteristics of an organism.
2. The study of the mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organisms.
3. The study of body movements and of the forces acting on the musculoskeletal system.
4. The application of mechanics to the structures of living animals; especially, to the forces on the skeleton caused by the muscles, gravity, and resulting movements of the locomotor system.
Biomechanics is a curious blend of mechanical engineering and biology. It was born of the recognition that parts of a living organism may be viewed as mechanical devices to which engineering concepts; such as, fluid pressure, mechanical stress and friction can be applied.
2. The applications of various aspects of biology, mechanics, and electronics.
3. The use of biomedical knowledge for the development and optimization of mechatronic systems.
Interactivity of biological and electromechanical devices
This covers bionics (biology for engineering) as well as biomedical engineering and its related (engineering for biology).
Biomechatronics focuses on the interactivity of biological organs (including the brain) with electromechanical devices and systems.
- Universities and research centers worldwide have taken notice of biomechatronics in light of its potential for development of advanced medical devices and life-support systems.
- Primitive biomechatronic devices have existed for quite awhile.
- The heart pacemaker and the defibrillator are examples.
- More advanced-pragmatic biometchatronic possibilities that scientists foresee in the near future include:
- Pancreas pacemakers for diabetics.
- Mentally controlled electronic muscle stimulators for stroke and accident survivors.
- Cameras that can be wired into the brain allowing blind people to see.
- Microphones that can be wired into the brain allowing deaf people to hear.
This definition is a recent application from the tech world [a recently created application]. This sense of biometrics should not be confused with the much older sense, which refers to the application of statistical and mathematical methods for data analysis in the biological sciences. Also known as biometry (as shown in the next word group), this use of the term has been in the language since the early 1900s.
2. Quantification of psychopathological differences between subjects, specifically by assessing each subject across multiple dimensions. In psychiatry, those dimensions include sensation, perception, cognition, learning, psychophysiological reactions, and personality traits and characteristics. More info about the science of biometrics.
2. The science of applying the knowledge gained by studying the characteristics of living organisms to the formulation of non-organic devices and techniques.
3. The study of biological functions and mechanisms from the point of view of applying them to electronic devices, such as computers.
4. A combination of biology and technology which has made remarkable progress possible in different areas.
Nature has provided ideas for high-strength materials, low-friction surfaces, dirt-repellent coatings and practical Velcro fastenings, for example.
Many of these inventions are based on, more or less, accidental discoveries from the animal and plant world. For the first time in the case of the Mercedes-Benz bionic car, the engineers at the Mercedes-Benz Technology Center (MTC) looked for a specific example in nature whose shape and structure approximated their ideas for an aerodynamic, safe, spacious, and environmentally compatible car.
In other words, this was not a matter of detailed solutions, but of a complete transfer from nature to technology which is considered a first.
Information about a new bionic hand.
2. A branch of biology dealing with life's adaptation to its environment.