(s) (noun) (no pl)
The treatment of a disease by gases or vapors: Dr. Smart told Jane that the best healing method for her ailment would be atmiatry and he gave her some medication for inhaling two times a day.
Residual rocks that are formed in place by disintegration and decomposition with little or no rearranging: Atmoclastics are the fragments of rocks that are broken off in place by atmospheric weathering and which have been recemented without rearrangement.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The process of calculating the rate of evaporation of water into the atmosphere: Atmometrics involves the measuring of the evaporation of water from a free water surface, such as a pan of water set into the ground so the water's surface is even with the ground's surface, or from a porous, water-saturated surface, such as filter paper placed over a graduated cylinder of water.
atmospheric acoustics
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The propagation of sound through the layer of gases surrounding the Earth's surface affects sound in predictable ways depending on conditions, such as temperature and precipitation: When setting up for the outdoor concert, the sound engineers had to take atmospheric acoustics into consideration, including factors such as moisture in the air, placement of speakers on the ground, etc.
atmospheric interference
(s) (noun), atmospheric interferences
Electromagnetic radiation, caused by natural electrical disturbances in the atmosphere; atmospherics; sferics; strays:
Atmospheric interferences interfere with radio systems.
The radio frequency electromagnetic radiation originated principally in the irregular surges of charge in thunderstorm lightning discharges.
Atmospherics are heard as a quasi-steady background of crackling noise (static) on certain radio frequencies, such as those used to broadcast AM radio signals.
Since any acceleration of electric charge leads to emission of electromagnetic radiation, and since the several processes involved in propagation of lightning lead to very large charge accelerations, the lightning channel acts like a huge transmitter, sending out radiation with frequencies of the order of 10 kHz.
atmospheric optics
(s) (noun) (no pl)
A branch of meteorological physics or physical meteorology in which phenomena are seen occurring in the sky and are described and explained:
Atmospheric optics is the study of the optical characteristics of the atmosphere or products of atmospheric processes.
The term atmospheric optics is usually confined to visible and near visible radiation, however, unlike meteorological optics, it routinely includes temporal and spatial resolutions beyond those discernible with the naked eye.
"Meteorological optics" is that part of atmospheric optics concerned with the study of patterns observable with the naked eye.
This restriction is often relaxed slightly to allow the use of simple aids, such as binoculars or a polarizing filter.
Topics included in meteorological optics are sky color, mirages, rainbows, halos, glories, coronas, and shines.
atmospheric physics
(s) (noun) (no pl)
A branch of science dealing with the investigation and study of the physical phenomena of the atmosphere: Judy was very interested in geophysics and decided to take some courses in atmospheric physics to learn more about the observable occurrences or facts of the atmosphere.
atmospherics, spherics, sferics
(pl) (noun)
Electromagnetic radiation produced by natural phenomenam such as lightning:
Atmospherics are disturbances of electrical origin causing interference with communication in wireless telegraphy, television, etc.
Sferics are atmospheric conditions caused by electromagnetic upheavals, especially as they affect radio transmission
atomic physics
A profession in the area of physics concerned with the scientific structures of the atom, the characteristics of the electrons and other elementary particles of which the atom is composed, the arrangement of the atom's energy states, and the processes involved in the radiation of light and x-rays.
autoclastics (adjective)
1. Broken in place, said of rocks having a broken or brecciated (rocks with sharp-angled fragments) structure due to crushing, in contrast to those of brecciated materials brought from a distance.
2. Of rock, fragmented in place by folding due to orogenic forces when the rock is not so heavily loaded as to render it plastic.
(pl) (noun) (used as a singular verb)
The science and technology of electronics and the development of electronic devices as applied to aeronautics and astronautics: Avionics has also become even more important with the production and applications to other forms of aviation and rocketry.
Balneology; the science of baths or bathing, especially the study of the therapeutic use of mineral baths.
1. The scientific study of the movement and flight characteristics of projectiles of objects or weapons that are fired into the air.
2. The science of flight dynamics and the trajectory of an object in free flight.
Treatments of variouis ailments and diseases with the use of mineral, thermo, and other kinds of baths.
bariatrics, bariatric
1. That branch of medicine concerned with the management
(prevention or control) of obesity and allied diseases.
2. The field of medicine that offers treatment for the person who is
overweight with a comprehensive program including diet and nutrition,
exercise, behavior modification, lifestyle changes and, when indicated,
the prescription of appetite suppressants and other appropriate medications.
Bariatrics also includes research into overweight, its causes,
prevention, and treatment.