-ics, -tics [-ac after i]
(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)
The branch of physics concerned with thermal equilibrium: The term thermostatics was first used by Myron Tribus in his publication of "Thermostatics and Thermodynamics" in 1961.
thermotherapy, thermotherapeutics
1. The branch of therapeutics concerned with the application of heat.
2. The medical treatment of an illness with the application of heat. Heat may be applied locally by radiant heating devices that give off infrared rays and by conductive heating that uses hot water bottles, paraffin baths, or moist hot packs.
2. The medical treatment of an illness with the application of heat. Heat may be applied locally by radiant heating devices that give off infrared rays and by conductive heating that uses hot water bottles, paraffin baths, or moist hot packs.
The study of pronunciations.
The etymological study of place names.
The study of RNA (ribonucleic acid) changes that occur under different circumstances as a result of different patterns of gene expression.
RNA, or ribonucleic acid, consists of a cellular substance that represents a copy of DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, and directs the formation of new proteins inside the cells.
DNA regulates the activities of the cell according to its sequence or arrangement into genes on each chromosome. The DNA sequence resembles a series of codes which when passed out of the nucleus to the rest of the cell, directs the activities of the cell; such as, cell division and the synthesis of proteins.
The physical properties or phenomena associated with friction.
1. The dynamics of nutrition or metabolism.
2. The branch of medical science dealing with the forces governing nutrition.
2. The branch of medical science dealing with the forces governing nutrition.
The study of unexptected casualties: When Mr. Simon decided to work in the insurance business, he specialized in tychastics in order to study such things as industrial mishaps or calamities.
veteriniatrics, veteriniatric
1. The branch of medicine which usually deals with the medical treatment of domestic animals.
2. A reference to any aspect of the study or medical treatment of diseases in animals.
2. A reference to any aspect of the study or medical treatment of diseases in animals.