-ics, -tics [-ac after i]
(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)
Externally powered prosthetics refers to any physical replacements in which a small electronic motor has been incorporated for the purpose of providing force to control various physical functions.
Information about advances in prosthetics.
Prosthodontics also involves the restoration and maintenance of oral functions, comfort, appearance, and health of the patient by the renewal of missing enamel-layered structures and contiguous tissues with necessary substitutes.
2. The analysis of the expression, localization, functions, and interactions of the proteins produced by the genes of an organism: "Proteomics involves the qualitative and quantitative study of the proteome (complete set of proteins produced from the information encoded in a genome) under various conditions, including protein expression, modification, localization, and function; as a means of understanding various biological processes."
"Proteomics aims to work out the differences in protein action between diseased cells and healthy ones."
"One objective of proteomics is to find chemical markers to determine what’s going wrong when disease strikes and to diagnose disorders; another, is to find methods of gene therapy that will cure the problems at the level of the DNA in human genes."
"The term proteomics was coined in 1994 by Marc Wilkins, Professor in the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; who defined it as 'the study of proteins, how they're modified, when and where they're expressed, how they're involved in metabolic pathways and how they interact with one another.' "
While working in the mental health unit at the hospital, Dr. Kitchen observed patients when different kinds of music was played, hoping to write a scientific paper on psychoacoustics for a professional journal.
2. A discipline combining experimental psychology and physics that deals with the physical features of sound as related to audition, as well as with the physiology and psychology of sound receptor processes: The local university's psychology and physiology departments were the primary organizers of an international convention that was being planned in the city for scientists and practitioners of psychoacoustics."3. The scientific investigation of the way in which animals and humans hear, particularly the reception and analysis of the input signals: Dr. Laurie specialized in psychoacoustics, studying the relationship that existed between sound receptions and the biological processing of sounds.
2. The observation and interpretation of externally observable actions of an individual, such as voice inflection, gestures, and body posture for the purpose of drawing inferences about the personality of that person.
3. A term used especially by Swiss and German writers for Rorschach Test.
2. The description of the development and workings of the mind, with emphasis on how the mind's hypothesized energies are distributed in the course of its adaptational maneuvers.
2. Study of a host of psychological factors associated with speaking; including voice, attitudes, emotions, and grammatical rules, that affect communication and tunderstand, predict, and often to change the behavior of living organisms, with a particular emphasis on human behavior in its origins, development, and expression during the lifetime of the individual.relating to psychology.
It includes the devising or standardization of various tests and the development or application of statistical techniques that are particularly appropriate for the analysis of mental test data.