-ics, -tics [-ac after i]

(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)

Atomic and molecular-scale devices.

Such instruments can be constructed using a scanning tunneling microscope.

A single atom has been used as an electrical switch and an individual molecule has been used to convert alternating current into direct current.

Studies of biological effects of all kinds of nanomaterials.
narcoleptic (adjective), more narcoleptic, most narcoleptic
A reference to a sleep inducing drug.
narcotics (noun) (a plural used as a singular)
Dope for dopes; also known as "idiots".
neocosmic (adjectice), more neocosmic, most neocosmic
Of or pertaining to the universe in its present state; specifically, referring to the races of people who were known in history as compared to those in modern times.
neotechnic, neotechnics
Denoting, or belonging to, the most recent stage of industrial development.
1. A technique for predicting earthquakes that involves measuring the recent rate of slippage of landmarks along faults.
2. The study of the most recent structures and structural history of the earth's crust, from the end of the Miocene epoch to the present.
neuroaesthetics, neuro-aesthetics, neuroesthetics, neuro-esthetics
A sub-discipline of empirical aesthetics which takes a scientific approach to the study of aesthetic perceptions of art and music.

Neuroesthetics is defined as the scientific study of the neural bases for the contemplation and creation of a work of art and uses the techniques of neuroscience in order to explain and understand the aesthetic experiences at the neurological level.

The topic attracts scholars from many disciplines including neuroscientists, art historians, artists, and psychologists.

A term for mental exercises which are used to increase the range of mental motion by activating different parts of the brain.

Apparently coined in imitation of the word aerobics by Dr Lawrence C Katz and Manning Rubin in their 1999 book Keep Your Brain Alive to present mental exercises invented to help people keep their brains "alive". Remaining mentally active, it’s advocated, keeps the links between brain cells alive and busy.

There are those who insist that we cannot separate the mind’s software from its hardware and that the true aim of neurobics is to keep the connections between brain cells flexible and strong, perhaps even growing new connections and new brain cells.
—Based on information from
New Scientist, November, 2001.
neurocybernetics (s) (noun)
1. The study of communication and automatic governing systems in a mutual relationship with machines and living organisms: The organizational theory of neurocybernetics is based on the cognition of the structural and functional nature of the brain as the most complex biological self-organizating system.
2. In the physical sciences, the study of exchanging information and self-regulating control systems with a mutual relation to machines and individual living things: The general theory of neurocybernetics distinguishes three aspects of brain information activity: statistic, semantic, and pragmatic.
3. A science concerned with the processes of managing and the transfer of information in the nervous system: It is possible to identify three components of neurocybernetics: the organization, the regulation, and the theory of knowledge, based on three streams in the material world (substance, energy, and information).
neuroeconomics, neuro-economics
The study of the brain in making economic decisions; especially, to build a biological model of decision-making in economic environments.

The goal is to observe and to measure what's happening in the brain when people are making decisions with the purpose of understanding human social interactions through every level from synapse to society.

neuroesthetics (s) (noun) (no pl)
A scientific approach to the study of perceptions of art and music: The James and Janice Smith research team used neuroesthetics to help them understand the links between traditional art and science.

Neuroesthetics utilizes the techniques of neuroscience in order to explain and to understand esthetic experiences at a neurological level while the physician investigates the structure and activity of the brain in response to the experiences of esthetic phenomena.
