-ics, -tics [-ac after i]

(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)

The study of the relationships of two or more languages for the purpose of devising an interlanguage.
The study of the ionome which requires the application of elemental analysis technologies, and their integration with bioinformatic and genetic tools.

Ionomics can capture information about the functional state of an organism under different conditions including those driven by genetic and developmental differences, and by biotic and abiotic factors.

A form of exercise in which the muscles are pushed against something fixed or against other muscles to strengthen them.
1. The branch of mechanics or dynamics that deals with pure motion.
2. Branch of physics concerned with the geometrically possible motion of a body or system of bodies, without consideration of the forces involved or without reference to mass or force.

It describes the spatial position of bodies or systems, their velocities, and their acceleration.

kinesiatrics, kinesiatric
1. The treatment of diseases by means of gymnastics or muscular action.
2. Kinesitherapy, treatment of ailments with movements or exercises.
1. The study of the ways in which people use body movements; such as, shrugging to communicate without speaking.
2. The systematic study of the body and the use of its static and dynamic position as a means of communication.
laconics (pl) (noun) (used as a singular)
The process of using or consisting of few words; short and forceful; concise; pithy: "The laconics of the answers provided by the intelligence agent indicated that there were some confidential things that he could not reveal about the military actions."
leukokinetics (s) (noun) (no pl)
The study of the creation, circulation, and destiny of leukocytes: Finally Joan found a book on leukokinetics at the library so that she could continue her studies of the formation, the circulation, and the destiny of leukocytes.
lexicostatistics (s) (noun) (no plural)
1. A technique used in glottochronology: Lexicostatistics is used in order to calculate how long ago various languages developed from a mutual source language.
2. The study of words between languages for historical reasons: An interesting factor in lexicostatistics is the comparison of two languages relating to changes in a list of common vocabulary terms and the sharing of common root words.
The science of language, especially of the elements, modifications, and structural and relativistic aspects of units of speech; or the study of a particular language.

Speakers of English may say, "What is his native tongue?" meaning language, and those who spoke Latin used lingua with the same figurative application. A linguist, then, is thought to be someone who speaks several languages fluently and is also known as a polyglot, literally, "many tongues".

Usually, when this person was bilingual; the next step probably was to be trilingual or even multilingual. From these stages of language development, we know that this person has learned diction, wording styles, idioms, phrasing, and vocabulary; as well as slang, jargon, and dialect because that is what linguistics is all about.

The large-scale study of pathways and networks of cellular lipids (molecules which include fats, waxes, sterols, and fat-soluble vitamins) in biological systems.
In the most general sense, any tools made of stone.

Although stone-tool-dependent cultures exist even today, most stone tools are associated with prehistoric societies that no longer exist.