-ics, -tics [-ac after i]

(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)

aeronautics (s) (noun) (no pl)
The science or art of flight through the atmosphere: Aeronautics deals with the design, operation, and construction of aircraft.

In addition, it concerns the theory and practice of aircraft navigation.

aerophysics (s) (noun) (no pl)
The physics of the Earth's atmosphere: Aerophysics is the branch of physics concerned with the effects upon the atmosphere by guided missiles, rockets, space vehicles, etc. flying at a high velocity in high altitudes.
aeroponics (s) (noun) (no pl)
A technique for growing (cultivating) plants without them being in soil or in hydroponic (water) media; aeroculture: The method of aeroponics consists of plants being held above a system that constantly, or intermittently, mists the roots with nutrient-laden water.
aerostatics (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. The study of gases that deals with the balance of air or other gases, and with the equilibrium of solid bodies: Arthur decided to study aerostatics because he was very interested in the principle of floatation in air.
2. The science of aircraft that are lighter than air: Greg thinks that aerostatics seems to be a fascinating branch of research dealing with dirigibles and balloons, both of which are buoyant and float or drift in the atmosphere.
aerotherapy, aerotherapeutics (s) (noun), aerotherapies (pl)
A treatment using some kind of air: Aerotheapeutics, for example, is concerned with the treatment of diseases by fresh air or by air of different degrees of pressure or rarity, or by air medicated in various ways.
aerothermodynamics (s) (noun) (no pl)
The scientific research of the thermodynamic characteristics of gases: Aerothermodynamics is the branch of dynamics dealing with the relationship between heat and mechnical energy in the air and other gases.

Aerothermodynamics also pertains to the thermodynamic effects of air.

aesthetics, esthetics (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. The study, or philosophy, of beauty: Shannon enrolled in the university program for aesthetics, planning to become an art critic.
2. The study of what is considered beautiful, harmonious, and cultured: Nathaniel, the theater critic, commented on the aesthetics of the play, noting the balance and harmonious nature of the characters.
3. The way something looks, especially when considered in terms of how pleasing it is: The towers of the town had an aesthetics about them that was charming and pleasing.
4. A guiding principle in matters of artistic beauty and taste; artistic sensibility: Because Jason aspired to be an artist, he enrolled in a course on esthetics to enhance his knowledge and understanding of beauty.
agogics (pl) (noun)
The theory that an accent within a musical phrase can be articulated by changing the length of specific notes: The term agogics was coined by Hugo Riemann in about the year 1884. An example of agogics can be exemplified by the tempo "rubato", meaning "not to be played in strict time".
agonistics (s) (noun) (no pl)
The science of athletic skirmishes or contests in public games: Agonistics can be explained as the art of combat or competitions in atheletic games.
agricultural energetics (pl) (noun)
The various forms of energy involved in the process of agriculture: Agricultural energetics can refer either to inputs (for example, human labor, animal power, electricity, etc.) or to useful outputs (such as food, manure, etc.).

Specifically, agricultural energetics concern the relationship between energy in the form of food produced and the energy input required to achieve this production.

agricultural mechanics (pl) (noun)
The principles and use of mechanics for agricultural purposes; Agricultural mechanics deal with the development of agricultural equipment,including automated feed mixers.
agrigenetics (s) (noun) (no pl)
Biotechnical research in plant breeding: Agrigenetics is the attempt to control plant evolution by genetic manipulation and gene splicing to provide desirable new varieties, such as a (still experimental) strain of wheat with the soybean's capability of fertilizing its roots with airborne nitrogen.

Agrigeneticists has produced such new agricultural items as a redder, less watery commercial tomato and disease-resistant sugar cane.

agronomics (s) (noun) (no pl)
The science of the distribution and management of land: Mrs. Bigs was involved in agronomics which concerned soil management and the productivity of crops on the fields.
allelochemic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to a chemical interaction between species: An allelochemic mutual action involves release of active chemical substances, such as scents, pheromones, and toxins.

An allelochemic secondary substance is produced by an organism that has the effect of modifying the growth, behavior or population dynamics of other species, often having an inhibitory or regulatory effect.

allesthetics, allaesthetics (s) (noun) (no pl)
Physical conditions whereby there are disorders of sensations in which stimuli are perceived as at points on the body that are in fact completely away from the points being stimulated: Mark decided to specialize in the neuroscience area of allesthetics and hoped to work with victims who were not able to determine where feelings of touches were actually located.