-ics, -tics [-ac after i]
(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)
A part of civil engineering pertaining to increasing the habitability of the Earth: Geotechnics is the art of modifying and adapting the physical nature of the Earth to the needs of humans.
Geotechnics can also be explained as the application of scientific methods and engineering principles to civil engineering problems through acquiring, interpreting, and using knowledge of materials of the crust of the Earth.
Relating to the large-scale structure of the planet Earth's crust; structural geology: In Jim's studies in geology, he took a class in geotectonics and learned a lot about the creation and action of its tectonic plates.
geothermic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to the internal heat of the earth: In the article, Jim read bout geothermic hotness that originated from inside the planet Earth, or heat generated in the interior of the Earth.
The branch of medicine concerned with the medical problems and care of senior citizens: Geriatrics involves all the aspects of aging, including physiological, pathological, psychological, economic, and sociological problems.

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The importance of geriatrics is emphasized by the fact that the expected lifespans of more people are increasing.

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1. The practice of dentistry among old people.
2. A reference to changes in the dental tissues that come with age.
3. The branch of dentistry focusing on the needs of senior citizens.
4. Also called dental geriatrics and geriodontics.
2. A reference to changes in the dental tissues that come with age.
3. The branch of dentistry focusing on the needs of senior citizens.
4. Also called dental geriatrics and geriodontics.
1. The science concerned with treatment of the aged.
2. Therapeutic management of aging persons designed to retard and prevent the development of many of the aspects of senescence [the process or condition of growing old, especially the condition resulting from the transitions and accumulations of the deleterious aging processes].
2. Therapeutic management of aging persons designed to retard and prevent the development of many of the aspects of senescence [the process or condition of growing old, especially the condition resulting from the transitions and accumulations of the deleterious aging processes].
global tectonics (pl) (noun)
Earth movements and interactions on a global scale: Global tectonics refer particularly to the reasons and consequences of the dynamics of the crustal plates and sea-floor spreading.
1. A school of linguistic analysis developed by Louis Hjelmslev (1899–1965) in Copenhagen in the 1930s based on the study of the distribution of glossemes or the smallest meaningful units of a language.
2. A neologism combining glossary with mathematics to indicate a formalized system of study: The system of glossematics apparently strives to establish a universal standard defining the necessary and sufficient conditions of a language.
2. A neologism combining glossary with mathematics to indicate a formalized system of study: The system of glossematics apparently strives to establish a universal standard defining the necessary and sufficient conditions of a language.
The creation of artificial languages.
The study of the relationship of the magnitude and direction of the forces developed by and involved in mastication during the process of chewing.
1. In orthodontic diagnosis, a technical procedure for orienting the dentition (teeth in the dental arch) to certain cranial landmarks.
2. A technique of orthodontic diagnosis based on an analysis of the relationships between the teeth and certain reference points on the skull.
2. A technique of orthodontic diagnosis based on an analysis of the relationships between the teeth and certain reference points on the skull.
1. The science of raising laboratory animals whose microfauna and microflora are specifically known in their entirety.
2. The study of organisms or environmental conditions that have been rendered free of bacteria or contaminants or into which a known microorganism or contaminant has been introduced for research purposes.
2. The study of organisms or environmental conditions that have been rendered free of bacteria or contaminants or into which a known microorganism or contaminant has been introduced for research purposes.
In linguistics, the study of systems of writing and their relationship to the systems of the languages they represent.
A term, coined on analogy with phonetics, is the study of the physical properties of the symbols that constitute writing systems: The following image provides an example of graphetics.

A scribe is pointing to family units related to writing.

1. The presentation of information in the form of diagrams and illustrations as opposed to words and numbers.
2. The art and science of storing, manipulating, and displaying computer data in the form of pictures, diagrams, graphs, or symbols.
3. The science of drawing something in accordance with mathematical principles, e.g., in architecture and engineering.
2. The art and science of storing, manipulating, and displaying computer data in the form of pictures, diagrams, graphs, or symbols.
3. The science of drawing something in accordance with mathematical principles, e.g., in architecture and engineering.