-ics, -tics [-ac after i]
(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)
2. The science or study of skin markings or patterns; especially, those of the fingers, hands, and feet; also, such skin markings themselves.
3. The science of skin patterns, especially fingerprints.
2. That part of medicine which has to do with ascertaining the nature of diseases by means of their symptoms or signs.
There is still no consensus as to the etymology of domotics. One definition says it means: blending of Latin domus, "house", with robotics.
Additional sources (www.domotics.com, www.answers.com; and others) state: "The term domotics is a contraction of the words domus (Latin = home or house) and informatics (= the science concerned with the collection, transmission, storage, processing, and display of information)."
Some of the applications under the heading of domotics are sensors that automatically adjust lighting levels to meet the personal preferences of family members.
Other sensors may be adjusted to water plants according their need, or to vary the ventilation to make best use of outdoor climate conditions.
If there were a fire or break-in, the domotics would be able to call emergency services and explain in detail what is needed.
Some experts have described clever refrigerators that can read the wireless tags on food, determine when items are getting low and automatically reorder them. “Intelligent” washing machines will decide how much cleaning the garments should have.
What happens when more than one person is in the room and each one has a different preference?
Currently the most simple systems require that each person must wear a marker, such as an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag, while the more sophisticated ones detect movement, body heat, and other individual characteristics.
Again, how will even the most sophisticated systems handle multiple preferences from a family or social group?

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2. The forces which tend to produce activity and change in any situation or sphere of existence.
3. In music, the different levels of loudness and softness in a piece of music or the variation in the intensity or volume of musical sound, and the way in which a performer reproduces them during a performance.