icono-, icon-

(Greek: image, likeness; form of a person or object; a sacred, holy, or religious representaion)

iconolatric (adjective)
iconolatry (s) (noun), iconolatries (pl)
The worshiping of religious images rather than of what they represent: Iconolatry is the veneration or a profound reverence and respect of images or artistic pictures.

The icon in Greek simply denotes a picture; however, it has now come to be closely associated with religious art used by the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches.

Image worship.
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An book of emblems or an emblem book.

Emblem books are a particular style of illustrated book developed in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries, normally containing about one hundred picture and text combinations.

Each combination consisted of a woodcut or engraving (emblems) accompanied by one or more short texts, intended to inspire readers to reflect on a general moral lesson derived from the reading of both picture and text together.

The picture was potentially subject to numerous interpretations: only by reading the text could a reader be certain which meaning was intended by the author.

1. A reference to the historical analysis and interpretive study of symbols or images and their contextual significance; iconography.
2. Referring to the study of icons or symbolic representations.
Someone who deals with the description, analysis, and interpretation of icons or iconic representations.
1. The branch of knowledge which deals with the subject of icons (or images).
2. The subject matter of this study, icons collectively, or as objects of investigation.
3. A branch of art history that studies visual images and their symbolic meanings (especially in social or political terms).
4. A symbolic representation; symbolism.
iconomachy (s) (noun), iconomachies (pl)
1. A war against images or idols.
2. Hostility or opposition to images; especially, to their use in connecion with religious worship.
iconomancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Prediction the future by using pictures, icons, or special images: Iconomancy is a divination in which visual representations or little picture or paintings are interpreted.
1. An excessive devotion to or a morbid impulse for collecting images (icons or portraits).
2. An infatuation with icons, whether as objects of devotion, works of art, bric-a-brac, or curios.
iconomatic, iconomatically
Using images, or icons, to represent sounds of words.

A reference to the state of writing which was intermediate between picture writing and phonetic writing, in which pictures or signs no longer stand for the objects themselves but for their names considered as phonetic elements only.

Writing that describes a stage intermediate between picture-writing and phonetic writing, in which pictures or representations of objects stand not for the objects themselves, but for their names considered merely as phonetic elements, as in a pictorial rebus, or the use made by the Chinese of the sounds of their characters to express the sound of a foreign word.
An instrument with which to measure the size of or distance to an object by measuring its image (or icon).
The art of estimating the distances or sizes of objects by the use of the iconometer.
Opposed to using images (or icons); such as, objects of worship or veneration.
iconophile, iconophil (s) (noun); iconophiles; iconophils (pl)
A connoisseur of pictures, engravings, book illustrations, and the like: Mr. Straight had a special taste for drawings, paintings prints, icons, and sketches and was known to be the best iconophile in his town.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "form, shape, appearance": eido-; figur-; form-; ideo-; imag-; morpho-; -oid; typo-.

Related "holy, sacred" word families: hagio-; hiero-; sacro-; sanct-.