(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)
agapeistic (adjective), more agapeistic, most agapeistic
Characterized by Christian love: Mark's personality combined agapeistic elements as in selflessness and charitable brotherly love.
agastric (adjective), more agastric, most agastric
A descriptive term indicating species that have no alimentary canals: There are agastric creatures that do not have a tubular passage which functions in digestion and elimination.
agathopoietic (adjective), more agathopoietic, most agathopoietic
A proposed technical epithet for, "intended to do good", "of beneficent tendency": Kitty was known by her friends as agathopoietic because she always desired to do good things for others.
ageotropic (adjective) (not comparable)
Not reacting to gravity, thus moving or turning away from the earth: Some kinds of ivy are ageotropic in that the plants secure their roots in the trucks of trees while growing upwards into the branches.
Maybe a hot-air balloon is considered to be ageotropic because the aircraft is lighter than air and rises up into the atmosphere and is carried by or progresses with the wind.
Of unknown cause or spontaneous origin; of the nature of idiopathic or an idiopathy (a pathologic condition of unknown cause or spontaneous origin).
1. Not known or that which is unknown; an assertion of the uncertainty of all claims to knowledge: The word agnostic was invented, or coined, by T.H. Huxley, the eminent British biologist, in his Science and Christian Tradition, published in 1870, page 21; because he felt that the existence of God was a proposition that could not be proven scientifically. So an agnostic says, in effect, "There may be a God, but as for me, I do not know."
2. A person who believes that the existence of God is unknown, but does not deny the possibility that God exists: Sherman, who was an agnostic, was not convinced that there is a God; however, he also was open to considering any evidence that would prove that God is a reality.
3. Someone who thinks it is impossible to know whether there is a God, future life, or anything beyond the material phenomena we are experiencing and who is unwilling to accept supernatural revelation: One dictionary defines an agnostic as being someone who is not, as is often held, someone who doesn’t know whether there is a God, but a person who believes it is impossible to know or to prove anything about the existence of God.
2. A person who believes that the existence of God is unknown, but does not deny the possibility that God exists: Sherman, who was an agnostic, was not convinced that there is a God; however, he also was open to considering any evidence that would prove that God is a reality.
3. Someone who thinks it is impossible to know whether there is a God, future life, or anything beyond the material phenomena we are experiencing and who is unwilling to accept supernatural revelation: One dictionary defines an agnostic as being someone who is not, as is often held, someone who doesn’t know whether there is a God, but a person who believes it is impossible to know or to prove anything about the existence of God.
An agnostic is someone who says he knows nothing about God, and when you agree with him, he becomes angry.
An agnostic is someone who has no invisible means of support.
In music, a stress applied to a musical note causing a prolonged duration of it; Agogic accent: Agogic refers to a kind of accent consisting in a lengthening or extending of the time value of the note played.
agonic (adjective), more agonic, most agonic
Characteristic of not forming an angle; having no angle: The line indicating the perimeter of a circle is an agonic line.
agraphic (adjective), more agraphic, most agraphic
Characteristic of a loss of the power, or the inability, to communicate ideas in writing: Ann's agraphic disorder involved her inability to use or to understand her written language because of a brain lesion.
agrestic (adjective), more agrestic, most agrestic
1. Of or pertaining to the country or fields, as opposed to the city; rural; rustic; socially unpolished, hence, uncouth: Denise's social behavior was dominated by the agrestic social surroundings of the rural countryside in which she was reared.
2. Conveying a socially unpolished or awkward conduct: Mary's husband had agrestic behavior which indicated that he was not very sophisticated nor cosmopolitan despite having lived 30 years in the city after he retired from his agricultural life.
3. A reference to something that is used by people in the perfume and flavor industries to describe a special aroma: Elizabeth used a variety of scents that were manufactured to have the agrestic smell of the countryside, such as hay, heather, forest depths, or meadows.

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2. Conveying a socially unpolished or awkward conduct: Mary's husband had agrestic behavior which indicated that he was not very sophisticated nor cosmopolitan despite having lived 30 years in the city after he retired from his agricultural life.
3. A reference to something that is used by people in the perfume and flavor industries to describe a special aroma: Elizabeth used a variety of scents that were manufactured to have the agrestic smell of the countryside, such as hay, heather, forest depths, or meadows.

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agronomic (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to the application of the various soil and plant sciences to soil management and crop production; scientific a,griculture: Mary's uncle worked in the area of agronomic science that dealt with the administration, the yield of produce on the land, and transport.
agrypnetic (adjective)
A reference to sleeplessness or insomnia.
Anything that produces wakefulness; such as, strong tea or coffee.
aitiogenic (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of reactions and movements caused by an external agent, a stimulus, or some force: The vaccination that Dr. Smith gave Jim produced an aitiogenic immune response in Jim's body.
aitionastic (noun), more aitionastic, most aitionastic
A change in direction or bending caused by external forces: An aitionastic respond can be explained by the curvature of part of a plant stimulated by a widely spread or a scattered stimulus, like the flower of the sunflower changing position depending on the course of the sun.