
(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)

1. Pertaining to medicine or to a physician or healer.
2. Anything relating to a physician or medicine in general.
One physician cures you of the colic; two physicians cure you of the medicine.
Physicians of all men are most happy; what success soever they have, the world proclaimeth; and what fault they commit, the earth covereth.
—Francis Quarles (1592-1644), English poet
1. A feeling that is induced by a physician; effect of a physician’s words or actions upon a patient.
2. Denoting response to medical or surgical treatment, induced by the treatment itself; usually used for unfavorable responses.
3. Originally applied to disorders induced in the patient by autosuggestion based on the physician’s examination, manner, or discussion.

The term is now applied to any adverse condition in a patient occurring as the result of treatment by a physician or surgeon; especially, to infections acquired by the patient during the course of treatment.

4. Created as a result of medical treatment; such as, certain antibiotic-resistant microorganisms.
5. A reference to a medical problem caused by a doctor's diagnosis or treatment.
6. Caused inadvertently by medical treatment; such as, an infection, a complication, etc.
A reference to a written description about fish.
A myth or tradition that has its origin in a misrepresentation of an earlier one.
Independently active.
1. Characteristic of, or in keeping with, the way a language is ordinarily and naturally used by its native speakers.
2. Having a meaning not deductible from the combined meanings of the words that make it up.
3. Characteristic of a particular style, or using a particular and distinctive style, especially in the arts.
4. Peculiar to or characteristic of a particular language; pertaining to or exhibiting the expressions, constructions, or phraseology approved by the peculiar usage of a language; especially, as differing from a strictly grammatical or logical use of words; vernacular; colloquial.
1. A reference to a disease rising by itself in a particular part of the body; of the nature of a primary morbid state; not consequent upon or symptomatic of another disease.
2. Used to describe a disease or disorder that has no known cause.
imperialistic (adjective), more imperialistic, most imperialistic
infrapsychic (adjective), more infrapsychic, most infrapsychic
Denoting ideas or actions originating below the level of consciousness.
1. An interval between earthquake activities.
2. Between one seismic action and another one.
1. Relating to the movements of the iris.
2. A reference to iridokinesis.
Having, denoting, or giving rise to equal amounts of energy; taking place at constant energy.
Having , or pertaining to, equal angles.