
(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)

graphic (adjective), more graphic, most graphic
1. Pertaining to a drawing or painting: The fine graphic arts of drawing, painting, engraving, etching, etc.; also, the techniques of production and design involved in printing and publishing.
2. Relating to the use of diagrams, linear figures, or symbolic curves.
3. Characteristic of designs and decorations that involve the production of pictures, diagrams, etc., in association with text: An example of the graphic arts or designs also includes a diagram, a pattern, a picture, etc., produced by means of a computer.
4. Descriptive of a number of vivid details; especially exciting or unpleasant ones.
5. Representing something such as a sound by means of letters or other written symbols: “Moo”, “woof”, and “meow” are graphic representations of the sounds made by cows, dogs, and cats respectively.
Referring to being described with vivid pictorial effects.
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1. Taking place during or occurring in pregnancy.
2. Relating to pregnancy or a pregnant woman.
gymnoscopic (adjective), more gymnoscopic, most gymnoscopic
A reference to someone who has a desire to see bare or unclothed bodies: After getting to know her boyfriend better, Janet found out that he behaved in a gymnoscopic way, wanting especially to watch late movies on TV which were showing nude actresses.
Holding women as the center of thoughts or activities.
1. Stimulating the development of female characteristics.
2. Giving birth predominantly to females.
3. Obsolete term meaning productive of female characteristics.
halobiotic (adjective), more halobiotic, most halobiotic
A reference to life in the sea: Halobiotic plants and animals exist only in such salty conditions or areas, as in a sea.
1. A reference to harmony, as distinguished from melody and rhythm.
2. Marked by harmony; in harmony; concordant; consonant.
3. In physics, a reference to, or noting a series of oscillations in which each oscillation has a frequency that is an integral multiple of the same basic frequency.
4. Involving or characterized by harmony.
5. A description of electrical voltages or currents with frequencies that are integral multiples of the fundamental frequency; that is, if 60 Hz is the fundamental frequency, then 120 Hz is the second harmonic and 180 Hz is the third harmonic.
hedonic (adjective), more hedonic, most hedonic
1. Relating to or marked by pleasure: "In wider use, primarily in psychology, hedonic reactions refer to pleasurable or painful sensations or feelings; specifically, hedonic tone, the degree of pleasantness or unpleasantness associated with an experience or state; especially when considered as a single quantity that can range from extreme pleasure to excessive pain."

"In zoology, the hedonic gland or the various specialized glands found in many reptiles and amphibia that serve, apparently by secreting an attractive-smelling substance, to attract members of the opposite sex."

2. Pertaining to anyone who maintains that joy and happiness are the proper results of human actions: "The ancient hedonic school of Greek philosophers were called cyrenaics; those who believed that 'pleasure is the highest good'."

In pursuit of money, working ever harder, we are, on a "hedonic treadmill"; a phrase that resonates with most of us. Right across Europe people report more stress, harder work, greater fear of insecurity, chasing elusive gains. The seven key factors now scientifically established to affect happiness most are: mental health, satisfying and secure work, a secure and loving private life, a safe community, freedom and moral values.

—Lord (Richard) Layard, the director of the Center
for Economic Performance in England.

For some people, the only way to maintain permanent satisfaction with one's income is to do the impossible: to continually increase income without limit; or to be on a "hedonic treadmill".

heliographic (adjective), more heliographic, most heliographic
1. A reference to an apparatus that takes photographs of the sun.
2. Relating to an instrument that measures the intensity of sunlight.
heliolithic (adjective), more heliolithic, most heliolithic
A description of a culture, or society, characterized by worship of the sun and the construction of monuments or temples using huge stones.
heliophilic (adjective), more heliophilic, most heliophilic
A reference to any organism or plant t is alive, well-adapted to, or thrives in full sunlight: Rosemary is a heliophilic plant that loves growing in the sun, along with purple coneflower and yarrow.
1. Construction planning that provides for natural solar heating and cooling processes and their relationship to a building's shape, orientation, and siting.
2. A description of a lake whose temperature increases, rather than decreases, with depth.
3. Descriptive of a creature absorbing heat and energy from the sun.

This term is sometimes used in place of ectothermic, or "cold-blooded".

heterodermic (adjective) (nou comparable)
Denoting a skin graft taken from a member of another species: In medical school, Lynn learned about heterodermic grafts as skin transplants or skin grafts that have been taken from donors from other types or kinds of animals.
Poisonous only to species that are different from the organism producing the poison.