(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)
1. Being or relating to or bearing the name of an eponym.
2. A reference to something named after someone.
2. A reference to something named after someone.
For example, a condition called Sherman's syndrome might be named after someone named Sherman, who discovered it, or described and clearly delineated it.
Growing or living in isolation; having a solitary existence.
Referring to or relating to ergasia.
ergatocratic (adjective), more ergatocratic, most ergatocratic
A reference to a government which is controlled by classes of workers: In one country there seemed to be an ergatocratic movement supported by the laboring classes to form their own administration.
A reference to an instrument for recording the amount of work done by muscular contractions, or the amplitude of contraction.
esthesic (adjective), more esthesic, most esthesic
Pertaining to the mental perception of sensations or the existence of any part of the body: As an artist, Ms. Cooper used her esthetic senses to create a mental image of herself when she was doing a self-portrait.
esthesodic (adjective), more esthesodic, most esthesodic
Providing a path for sensory impulses, such as conveying sensations from the external organs to the brain or nerve centers: The esthesodic path from what Jim sees to what he perceives is through his optic nerves.
etheric (adjective), more etheric, most etheric
ethnic (adjective), more ethnic, most ethnic
1. A reference to social groups who share cultural bonds: Ethnic characteristics involve such features as religious, national, etc. or physical and racial characteristics.
2. Designating the physical and cultural traits that distinguish those of one society or larger human group from members of other such people: Joan played the violin in an orchestra with many people from different ethnic backgrounds from around the world.
3. Etymology: from Latin ethnic(us), "pagan", from Greek ethnikos, "peculiar to a nation", from Greek ethn(os), "a nation, a people".

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2. Designating the physical and cultural traits that distinguish those of one society or larger human group from members of other such people: Joan played the violin in an orchestra with many people from different ethnic backgrounds from around the world.
3. Etymology: from Latin ethnic(us), "pagan", from Greek ethnikos, "peculiar to a nation", from Greek ethn(os), "a nation, a people".

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A reference to ethnography or the scientific description of nations or races of mankind.
1. Referring to ethnology.
2. Of or pertaining to ethnology.
2. Of or pertaining to ethnology.