
(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)

bimorphemic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to that which consists of two morphemes or the smallest meaningful elements of speech or writing: A few bimorphemic words include, waited, rays, and dogs.
bioastronautic (adjective), more bioastronautic, most bioastronautic
A reference to the study of biological or living organisms and their behavioral, physical, and medical problems related to astronautical space traveling.
biocentric (adjective)
1. Regarding or treating life as a very important fact.
2. Having life as a principal fact or of great significance.
Denoting the relationship between biologic action and chemical structure, as in food and drugs.
Referring to the largest division or region of animal and plant environment; such as, forest, desert, grassland, etc. A smaller area is called a biotope.
bioclastic (adjective)
A reference to deposits; especially, limestones derived from shell fragments or similar organic remains of organisms.
1. Relating to the relationship between climate and living organisms, or to the study of bioclimatology.
2. Referring to the effects of climate on living organisms.
bioelectronic (adjective), more bioelectronic, most bioelectronic
1. In medicine, a reference to the application of electronic devices to living organisms for clinical testing, diagnosis, and therapy treatment.
2. Relating to the study of electron transfer reactions as they occur in biological, or living systems.
Produced by a living organism or resulting from the actions of living organisms; such as, fermentation, necessary for life processes, including food and water.
A reference to a trace fossil.
biographic (adjective), more biographic, most biographic
1. A reference to an account of someone’s life in the form of a book, movie, or television program, written or produced by another person.
2. Descriptive term for books about people’s lives, considered as a whole or as a type of literature.
Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
—Soren Kierkegaard
1. Pertaining to the action of water and solutions in living tissue.
2. Referring to the movement of aqueous fluids through living tissues.
A reference to the biological activity of metal complexes and nonmetal compounds based on elements other than carbon; as contrasted with bio-organic.
1. Referring to biology.
2. Pertaining to the products and operations of applied biology.
3. Any virus, therapeutic serum, toxin, antitoxin, or analogous product of plant or animal origins used in the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of disease; for example, vaccines, and blood plasma products.