
(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)

Not having technical knowledge.
1. Pertaining to or characterized by atelectasis (a partial or total collapse of a lung).
2. Relating to or in a state of atelectasis (a condition in which the lungs fail to expand completely at birth).
Imperfectly developed; incomplete.
ateliotic, ateleiotic
A reference to or characterized by atelia or ateliosis; incomplete development of the body or any of its parts, as in infantilism and dwarfism.
atheistic (adjective), more atheistic, most atheistic
1. A description of a person who denies the existence of god: Because of Michael's atheistic beliefs, the young man chose to go for a walk in the forest rather than to go to church.
2. Related to or characterized by a denial that God exists or is real or present in any form: As a psychologist, Susan's atheistic beliefs contrasted with those of her college roommate who was a deeply devoted Christian.
athermic (adjective), more athermic, most athermic
1. Pertaining to a lack of a fever or with no rise of temperature: Since Pat's temperature didn't get any higher, Dr. Anderson was relieved to see that she was getting closer to the athermic condition that he was striving to achieve for her.
2. A reference to a nonexistent opening of a passage or entrance to heat or heat-rays: The athermic coating on the space shuttle proved to be successful when it re-entered the earth’s atmosphere.
3. Characterized by the absence of fever: After a worrisome night, baby Jill seemed to be athermic and now had a cool forehead and no fever.
4. Relating to being heatless: It was speculated that many of the planets in the solar system were of an athermic nature; that is, they had no natural heat.
Not contracted or constricted by ordinary variations of temperature; said of certain tissues.
Having the capacity to initiate, increase, or accelerate the process of atherogenesis (the formation of lipid deposits in the arteries).
Pertaining to atherosclerosis, the process of progressive thickening and hardening of the walls of arteries from fat deposits on their inner lining.

Atherosclerotic heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.

athletic (adjective), more athletic, most athletic
1. Characterized by or involving physical activity or exertion; active: "She had an athletic lifestyle for most of her life."
2. Physically strong and well-developed; muscular: "Brent was an actor with an athletic physique."
atmoclastic (adjective) (not comparable)
In petrology, referring to a clastic rock composed of rock fragments broken by atmospheric weathering and recemented in the same pattern as the previous arrangement: In his next lesson, Mr. Big, Mary's biology teacher, showed his students an atmoclastic rock which had been consolidated without having the parts transported in any way.
atmogenic (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to the atmospheric formation of a rock, deposit, or mineral by the action of condensation, wind, or deposition of volcanic vapors: One good example of an atmogenic process is the natural creation of snow.
atmospheric (adjective), more atmospheric, most atmospheric
1. Relating, referring to, or taking place in the area of skies surrounding the Earth: The illumination by the lights of the city created an atmospheric haze above the city.
2. Dependent on, caused by, or resulting from the collection of gases surrounding the surface of the Earth or other celestial bodies: The moon glimmered through the atmospheric mist caused by the wispy clouds in the sky.
3. Descriptive of a distinctive quality or effect in a location: The atmospheric music in the background of the restaurant encouraged patrons to relax and to enjoy their meals.
atonic (adjective), more atonic, most atonic
1. Relating to, caused by, characterized by, or exhibiting lack of muscle tone: Someone who has an atonic body, or a part of the body, has a weakness or reduction in the normal strength or firmness of a tissue or some other part of the body.
2. A description of a syllable or a sound that is not accented or stressed: The syllables of the words Jim was saying did not include any atonic vowels.
Absence of hair, congenital or acquired.