(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)
A reference to a star-shaped cell of the nervous system.
A descriptive reference to the creation or evolution of the stars or the heavens.
astrographic (adjective), more astrographic, most astrographic
1. Relating to the mapping of the sky.
2. A reference to the science of star descriptions.
2. A reference to the science of star descriptions.
A reference to the movement of the stars.
Referring to astrology or professing or practicing astrology.
A reference to divination by means of the stars; astrologic.
1. Inconceivably large.
2. Relating to or belonging to the science of astronomy.
2. Relating to or belonging to the science of astronomy.
astrophilic (adjective), more astrophilic, most astrophilic
A reference to someone who has a love or fondness for the stars: Lynn's principal at school was an astrophilic person who spent all of his vacations studying and observing at the heavenly bodies with his special telescope.
astrophobic (adjective), more astrophobic, most astrophobic
A reference to an excessive or morbid dread of stars and how they may have negative influences on one’s life or future destiny: Tim thought a lot about his job after completing his university education and decided to avoid going out at night because of his astrophobic anxieties which might affect his career in an adverse and destructive way.
asymptomatic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to a medical exam that shows no evidence of any disease: "Roy's doctor told him that his blood test had asymptomatic results which means that he was in good health."
asymptomatic (adjective), more asymptomatic, most asymptomatic
Without any sensations or having no changes in bodily functions that are experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease: After several physical examinations, the doctor determined that Mildred had no asymptomatic indications of any ailments.
asyndetic (adjective), more asyndetic, most asyndetic
A reference to or characterized by the omission of conjunctions in sentence constructions in which they would normally be used: Harry's mother prepared him for life with honesty, with a good education, with self-respect; which illustrates an asyndetic element by leaving out "and with self-respect".
asystolic (adjective), more asystolic, most asystolic
A reference to a cardiac standstill or the absence of a heartbeat: A dire form of cardiac arrest in which the heart stops beating, no systole, and there is no electrical activity in the heart.
atavistic (adjective), more atavistic, most atavistic
Used to describe qualities or feelings which humans have had from the distant past or earliest times: Mildred is convinced that, even in some modern societies, men have an atavistic desire to dominate women as much as they did centuries ago.

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ataxic (adjective), more ataxic, most ataxic
A reference to a lack of motor coordination: While performing voluntary movements, Mary's ataxic style of walking appeared to be clumsy and unstable.