
(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)

apomorphic (adjective)
In cladistics, this term describes derived or advanced characteristics that arose relatively late in members of a group and therefore differ among them.

These are useful in assessing genealogical links among taxa.

Cladistics refers to a system of biological classification that groups organisms on the basis of their observed shared characteristics in order to determine their common ancestors.

aponic (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of the absence of pain or fatigue: After undergoing hours of childbirth, or labor pains, Jenny finally gave birth to her daughter and an aponic condition freed her from her suffering and gave her much energy!
apophatic (adjective)
Relating to the belief that God can be known to humans only in terms of what He is not; such as, "God is unknowable".
apoplectic (adjective), more apoplectic, most apoplectic
1. Pertaining to or suffering from a stroke or a sudden loss of physical control or consciousness: Joe's mother had an apoplectic attack which was caused when a blood vessel in her brain ruptured or became blocked.
2. Conveying extreme anger: When anyone is very upset or greatly disturbed, he or she or she is considered as someone who is having an apoplectic reaction to something that really bothering him or her.
3. Etymology: from Latin apoplecticus and Greek apoplektikos; from apoplessein, "to be disabled with a stroke".
aposematic (adjective), more aposematic, most aposematic
1. A description of natural colors and bright markings on an animal that warn predators that it is poisonous.
2. Colored or constructed in a way that indicates special capabilities for defense: Aposematic signals are beneficial for both the predator and prey, who both try to avoid any potential harm.

apulmonic (adjective)
A reference to or relating to the absence of all or a part of one or both lungs.
Also athermic.
apyrogenic (adjective), more apyrogenic, most apyrogenic
A reference to ailments that do not cause fevers: Since Wilber had an apyrogenic condition, his sickness was not expected to cause a fever or a pyrogenous problem.
aquaphobic (s) (adjective), more aquaphobic, most aquaphobic
A reference to an individual who is abnormally afraid of water: Most aquaphobic people are concerned that the clear liquid which is emitted from the faucet is not as safe to drink as the special kind in bottles.
aquapontic (adjective)
A reference to the cultivation of plants in nutrient solutions instead of the ground.

Aquaponic systems contain three parts: fish to produce ammonia, bacteria to break the ammonia down to nitrates, and plants to feed on the nitrates to create fishfood to start the cycle all over again.

A mini aquaponics system is an excellent means of demonstrating aquaponic principles and the nitrification cycle in a recirculating aquatic environment.

aquaspargic (adjective), more aquaspargic; most aquaspargic
Referring to the spreading or scattering of something by water.
archaic (adjective), more archaic, most archaic
1. Referring to the characteristics of a much earlier period; antiquated: There are archaic manners and notions which are no longer acceptable in these modern times.
2. In a linguistic form, commonly used in an earlier time but rare in present-day usage except to suggest the older time, as in religious rituals or historical novels: Examples of archaic language usages include the following: "thou", "wast", "methinks", and "forsooth".
3. Depicting the earliest stage; prior to full development: There was an archaic period of psychoanalytic research.

The company had to update its archaic computers because they were incapable of handling all of the data that was being installed into them.

4. A reference to or designating the style of the fine arts: There are some archaic paintings and sculptures that were developed in Greece from the middle of the 7th to the early 5th century B.C., primarily characterized by an increased emphasis on the human figure in action with naturalistic proportions and anatomical structures. There are also simplicity of volumes, forms, or designs, and the evolution of a definitive style for the narrative treatment of subject matters.
5. A term used to describe an early stage in the development of civilization: In New World chronology, an archaic period existed just before the shift from hunting, gathering, and fishing to agricultural cultivation, pottery development, and village settlement.

Between 8000-1000 B.C., there were a series of archaic achievements which characterized certain periods: Early archaic 8000-5000 B.C., mixture of big-game hunting tradition with early archaic cultures; also marked by post-glacial climatic change in association with the disappearance of Late Pleistocene big game animals. The middle archaic cultures were from 5000-2000 B.C., and a late archaic period from 2000-1000 B.C.

—Compilation of information gleaned from the
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.; William Benton, Publisher: Chicago;
1968, Vol.II, Pages 281, 238; and Vol. X, Page 835.
Belonging to a much earlier time.
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archecentric (adjective), more archecentric, most archecentric
1. The original model from which later things evolved or developed: Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho is considered to be an archecentric film, or the basis for many horror films that were developed later.
2. In ornithology, pertaining to the simple kind of intestine: Jane wondered if birds still had archecentric body parts, or if such parts developed over time.
archeokinetic (adjective) (not comparable)
An outdated term denoting or relating to a primitive type of motor nerve mechanism: such as is found in the peripheral and the ganglionic nervous systems: The archeokinetic region in a person's body is found in the ganglionic and peripheral nervous systems.
archibenthic (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to the bottom of the sea from the edge of the continental shelf to the upper limit of the abyssobenthic zone, at depths of ca. 200 to 1,000 meters: The archibenthic area is the upper section of the benthic region, from the abyssal to the sublittoral region.