(Latin: a suffix; can be done, worthy of being, able to be, tending to, capacity for)
audible (adjective), more audible, most audible
Referring to something loud or clear enough to be heard: When she was telling the very sad news, her voice was barely audible because she was talking so softly and quietly.
Nature has given us two ears, two eyes and just one tongue, to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak.
Profanity makes ignorance audible.
1. The compatibility of a donated organ or artificial limb with the living tissue into which it is implanted or with which it is brought into contact. Incompatibility leads to toxic reactions or immunological rejection.
2. Being harmonious with life; that is, not having toxic or injurious effects on biological functions.
3. The capability of coexistence with living tissues or organisms without causing harm: "Artificial joint adhesives must have biocompatibility with bone and muscle or they will result in sever damage."
2. Being harmonious with life; that is, not having toxic or injurious effects on biological functions.
3. The capability of coexistence with living tissues or organisms without causing harm: "Artificial joint adhesives must have biocompatibility with bone and muscle or they will result in sever damage."
cognoscible (adjective), more cognoscible, most cognoscible
A reference to that which is capable of being known: Since the article was published in the local newspaper, and therefore being congnoscible information, the readers were able to learn about the accident which took place in their town the previous day.
compatible (adjective), more compatible, most compatible
1. Referring to people who get along well together in agreement or harmony; rapport: The two friends, Janet and Mary, were very compatible and so they often spent their holidays together.

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Jack and Sally loved and trusted each other believing that they could have a compatible marriage with an amicable relationship.
2. Regarding an adaptability for simple and effortless interaction: Jane had to get a new printer because her old one wasn't compatible with her new computer.
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condensable, condensible (adjective); more condensable, more condensible; most condensable, most condensible
1. Capable of being compressed; able to reduce the volume of something: When Tim was packing his suitcase he used a space bag that was condensable by having the air sucked out of the bag.
2. Regarding something which can be abridged or shortened: The long story Jane wrote was certainly condensable for the magazine to print it, so she had to abbreviate it.
3. Pertaining to a substance capable of changing to a liquid: Plants in a greenhouse produce condensable vapor which precipitates as moisture in the air.
4. Referring to a liquid in which water can be removed: The milk Jane had on the stove was condensable and it thickened when boiling.
2. Regarding something which can be abridged or shortened: The long story Jane wrote was certainly condensable for the magazine to print it, so she had to abbreviate it.
3. Pertaining to a substance capable of changing to a liquid: Plants in a greenhouse produce condensable vapor which precipitates as moisture in the air.
4. Referring to a liquid in which water can be removed: The milk Jane had on the stove was condensable and it thickened when boiling.
contemptible (kuhn TEMP tuh b'l) (adjective), more contemptible, most contemptible
Descriptive of someone who deserves to be scorned; despicable: As a result of the mayor's contemptible comments about some of the students when he spoke during last year's graduation ceremony, he was not invited to come back again.

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corrigible (adjective), more corrigible, most corrigible
1. Regarding something being corrected, improved, reformed, or set properly: The short story that Mrs. Thompson assigned the students to read had already been put into a corrigible form in that it was easy to understand and it helped them to increase their vocabulary skills.
2. Referring to something which is susceptible to being reformed or corrected: Jane was still a very young girl making mistakes like little children do, but she was willing to do better and so she was quite the corrigible child.
3. Etymology: from corrigere "to make straight, to correct", from com, "together" + regere, "to make straight, to lead, to guide, to conduct".

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2. Referring to something which is susceptible to being reformed or corrected: Jane was still a very young girl making mistakes like little children do, but she was willing to do better and so she was quite the corrigible child.
3. Etymology: from corrigere "to make straight, to correct", from com, "together" + regere, "to make straight, to lead, to guide, to conduct".

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corruptible (adjective)
1. Capable of being corrupted, or morally vitiated; susceptible of depravation.
2. Capable of being made corrupt; subject to decay.
3. That which may decay and perish; such as, the human body or any other natural creature, plant, fruit, etc.
2. Capable of being made corrupt; subject to decay.
3. That which may decay and perish; such as, the human body or any other natural creature, plant, fruit, etc.
credible (adjective), more credible, most credible
1. Capable of being believed: At first, Jeremy seemed to be telling a credible story.
2. Worthy of belief or confidence; reasonable to trust: Someone is credible when he or she can be easily trusted.
2. Worthy of belief or confidence; reasonable to trust: Someone is credible when he or she can be easily trusted.
The officials say that they have credible information about where the lost group of hikers may be located.
1. That which can be deducted from one’s tax or from one’s taxable income.
2. The amount of a loss which must be borne by the policy-holder in the event of a claim upon an insurance policy.
2. The amount of a loss which must be borne by the policy-holder in the event of a claim upon an insurance policy.
edible (adjective), more edible, most edible
1. That which is fit or safe to consume; especially, by humans: Sam was at the outdoor market on Saturday, looking for some edible fruits and vegetables for his family.
2. Etymology: borrowed from Late Latin edibilis and from Latin edere, "to eat".
2. Etymology: borrowed from Late Latin edibilis and from Latin edere, "to eat".
That which is capable of exploding; a contrivance that can cause an explosion; such as, exploding gunpowder, gas, etc.
1. Easily bent, often to a great degree, without breaking; pliable.
2. Adapting or adaptable to changing circumstance: "A flexible plan."
3. Easily swayed or influenced; pliant.
4. Susceptible to influence or persuasion; tractable.
5. Responsive to change; adaptable: "A flexible schedule."
2. Adapting or adaptable to changing circumstance: "A flexible plan."
3. Easily swayed or influenced; pliant.
4. Susceptible to influence or persuasion; tractable.
5. Responsive to change; adaptable: "A flexible schedule."
1. Capable of being interchanged.
2. A description of commodities that can be traded or substituted for an equal amount of like commodity, usually to satisfy a contract.
3. Etymology: from Middle Latin fungibilis, from Latin fungi, "to perform, to execute, to discharge".
2. A description of commodities that can be traded or substituted for an equal amount of like commodity, usually to satisfy a contract.
3. Etymology: from Middle Latin fungibilis, from Latin fungi, "to perform, to execute, to discharge".