hypo-, hyp-

(Greek: under, below, beneath; less than; too little; deficient, diminished; used as a prefix)

hypofunction, hypofunctional
1. In medicine, diminished or insufficient activity or production (in a gland or other part of the body).
2. The underactivity of a gland or other bodily organ.
3. Reduced, low, or inadequate function.
hypogamy, hypogamous
The marriage of a woman into a lower caste or into a tribe of lower standing than her own.
hypogeal (adjective), more hypogeal, most hypogeal
1. Referring to something that develops under the surface of the ground: Some insect larvae are hypogeal in that they grow underground.
2. In botany, concerning growth underground: Such hypogeal plants are the peanuts and truffles.

The cotyledons of seed-bearing plants are hypogeal in which the leaves begin maturing under the surface of the soil.

hypogean (adjective) (not comparable)
Regarding an organism that lives primarily beneath the surface of the ground, or that germinates with the cotyledons remaining in the soil: Examples of hypogean plants are the peanut and oak.

A hypogean beetle can exist in a stable habitat that has an unwavering temperature and a relatively high humidity.

hypogeous (adjective), more hypogeous, most hypogeous
Regarding an organism that lives or germinates below the soil surface: The hypogeal origin of plant development, like seedlings, lessens the consequences of freezing or of conditions of dry surroundings.
hypogeusesthesia (s) (noun), hypogeusesthesias (pl)
A loss of taste perception: The famous chef lived in dread that he might acquire hypogeusesthesia and be unable to taste the food he prepares.
hypogeusia (high poh GYOO see uh)
Blunting the sense of taste or a diminished acuteness of the sense of taste.
1. Beneath, or on, the underside of the tongue.
2. Relating to or involving the hypoglossal nerve.
3. Situated under, or relating to, the area under the tongue.
Located below, or under, the tongue.