hydro-, hydra-, hydr-, hyd-

(Greek: water)

1. A chemically precipitated aqueous rock; such as, rock salt.
2. A rock that is free of organic material.
hydrologic cycle
The cyclic transfer of water vapor from the earth's surface via evapotranspiration into the atmosphere, from the atmosphere via precipitation back to earth, and through runoff into bodies of water.
1. Someone who is skilled in hydrology.
2. A practitioner of hydrology who works within the fields of either earth or environmental science, or civil and environmental engineering.
1. The scientific study of the properties, distribution, and effects of water on the earth's surface, in the soil and underlying rocks, and in the atmosphere.
2. The body of medical knowledge and practice concerned with the therapeutic use of bathing and water therapy.
3. The sum of knowledge regarding water and its uses.
4. The study of the characteristics and occurences of water, and of the hydrologic cycle.

Research in the physical phenomena associated with the waters of the earth; such as, evaporation, groundwater storage and flow, snow melting and precipitation. Such studies include the circulation, properties and distribution of water; especially, water in the earth's atmosphere, in the soil and rocks, and on the earth's surface.

1. Decomposition of a chemical compound by reaction with water; such as, the dissociation of a dissolved salt or the catalytic conversion of starch to glucose.
2. The splitting of a compound into fragments by the addition of water, the hydroxyl group being incorporated in one fragment and the hydrogen atom in the other.
1. Tending to remove or separate water; eliminating water.
2. A process that promotes hydrolysis.
Any tissue that conducts water.
hydromagnetics, hydromagnetic
The study of the interaction of magnetic fields and electrically conducting liquids or gases; such as, molten metal or plasma.
Someone who practices hydromancy.
hydromancy (s) (noun), hydromancies (pl)
Divination or fortune-telling by means of the motions or appearance of water: Hydromancy includes the color, ebb and flow, or ripples of water.

Hydromancy is prophecy by means of any liquids by having a small boy tell what he has seen in the liquid or water.

Hydromancy consists of interpreting the color and patterns of flowing water. Sometimes ripples are studied as stones are dropped into a quiet pool of water.

1. An excessive craving for water or liquids; an uncontrollable fascination with water.
2. An impulse to commit suicide by drowning.
The therapeutic manipulation of soft bodily tissues with agitated water; such as, in a whirlpool bath.
1. The study of the mechanics of fluids or the laws of equilibrium and motion concerning fluids.
2. The area of fluid dynamics that is concerned with the study of liquids.
hydromegathermia, hydromegatherm, hydromegathermy
1. A reference to organisms dwelling in tropical rain forests.
2. A plant that must have much moisture and heat to develop fully.
A reference to hydromegathermia.

Cross references of word families that refer to "water": aqua-; hydat-; hygro-.