hydro-, hydra-, hydr-, hyd-

(Greek: water)

hydropower (s) (noun) (no pl)
Water power; hydroelectric power: Electricity generated from hydropower is one way of supplying peoples' homes with electricity and is constantly renewedable.
An excessive accumulation of serous fluid in interstitial tissues or body cavities.
A collection of water (hydrocele) in the testis, as in the tunica vaginalis or along the spermatic cord.
A rheostat in which resistance to the flow of electric current is provided by water.
1. A profuse discharge of watery fluid from any part of the body.
2. An excessive or copious discharge of water or other fluid.
Poisoning from the ingestion of water containing lead.

From Saturnus, the planet, an alchemists' term for lead.

hydroscope, hydroscopic
An optical device used for viewing objects far below the surface of water.
1. All seismically induced water-level fluctuations other than tsunamis.
2. Applies to seismically induced fluctuations in wells, streams, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs.
3. Groundwater level changes in response to earthquake activity.
4. The role of water in the generation of intraplate seismicity.

When a massive undersea earthquake in the Indian Ocean generated deadly tsunamis December, 2005, some groundwater monitoring wells recorded the catastrophic event in the United States.

Data that includes both the charts that record hydroseisms and the information taken from the charts.
Hydroseism (fluctuations in wells, streams, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs) recorded at an expanded time scale.
1. A community that is created by plants migrating to open water, decomposing, and forming moss or peat deposits.
2. A community in which the pioneer plants invade open water, eventually forming some kind of soil; such as, peat or muck.
In chemistry, a colloidal system in which the dispersion medium is water, and the dispersed phase may be a solid, a gas, or another liquid.
Water soluble.
The regions beneath the ocean's surface, especially when considered as an area to be studied.
1. The water portion of the earth or biosphere; as distinguished from the solid part (lithosphere) and from the gaseous outer envelope (atmosphere).
2. The portion of the earth that is water, including liquid water, ice, and water vapor on the surface, underground, or in the atmosphere.

Cross references of word families that refer to "water": aqua-; hydat-; hygro-.