hor-, horr-
(Latin: bristling, rough, roughness; rudeness; shaking, tremble, trembling, shutter; shock; disgust, hatred; resulting in horror, horrid, etc.)
Jeremy abhorred putting off the completion of the project.
2. To disapprove of or to reject something very strongly; to recoil from, or to shudder at: Kay's neighbor has always abhorred loud music because it causes him to have severe headaches.The family abhors the very thought of having to move again.
Ariana abhorred the mosquitoes that were breeding in the rain barrel by her garage.
3. To loathe or to detest: Anyone devoted to democratic ideals must abhor the idea of making distinctions on the basis of religion or race.Dr. Emmett abhors people who are habitually late for medical appointments.
4. Etymology: from Latin abhorrere, "to shrink back from, to have an aversion for, to shudder at"; from ab-. "away" + horrere, "to tremble at, to shudder"; literally, "to bristle, to be shaggy".The Romans used the stronger term of abhor instead of milder forms of detestation (strong dislike or hatred), just as people do now in modern times.

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The abhorred smell from the open sewer was offensive and finally caused the local government to make some public health improvements.
2. That which is disgusting, loathsome, or repellent: The first mate on the ship had an abhorrence for the smell of the water in the bilge.
Mary has an abhorrence of monster movies.
3. A feeling of repugnance, revulsion, or loathing about someone or something: Tom's multiple abhorrences for reptiles and spiders will make it difficult for him to do much research when he goes to Africa next month.Such violence during the TV movie is an abhorrence to Jeremy.
Some movies, even on TV, show too many abhorrences of beatings and killings of people!
Ronald's sister had an abhorrent dislike of insects and other "creepy things" which helped to determine the direction of her scientific studies.
2. Pertaining to an occurrence that is incompatible with or conflicting with something: The abhorrent violence at the start of the film was so disgusting and loathsome that the couple got up and walked out.3. Abominable, repugnant, or despicable: The man committed an abhorrent crime when he killed his wife.
4. Unacceptable or regarding a strong dislike: The thought of not being successful with his performance at the tennis match was abhorrent to the player.
The spelling of abhorrent shows that it is related to "horror". It means "feeling horror", when it is used with "of": Niki was so abhorrent of snakes that she would almost faint if she simply saw one.
When abhorrent is used with "to", it is expressed as: Crystal's casual disregard for the truth was abhorrent to her father's moral values.
When abhorrent means "creating horror, detestable", then it is written as: The sight of the abhorrent bleeding and injuries particularly upset Latricia when she saw those who were so terribly hurt in the car accident.

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The supervisor's abhorrently despicable behavior after work was in contrast to his normally mild demeanor while he was working, which made his fellow workers think of him as a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde character.
Mark was an abhorrer of all things violent and harmful.
The two clergymen were abhorrers of the extreme poverty in which many of their congregational members lived.
2. Very large, great, or high, often unreasonably or excessively so: The horrendous economic conditions around the world are causing all kinds of demonstrations against governments and businesses.
3. Hideous; appalling; shockingly dreadful: As a result of the hurricane, the horrendous destruction had torn the neighborhood apart.

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Mrs. Smith, the manager, made a discovery that caused a horrent reaction on her arms when she saw that the office computer had been stolen during the night.
2. Sufficiently frightening, distressing, or stupefying so as to provoke suffering: The flood caused the sewer to send out a horrible odor.
3. Unkind, rude, or ill-behaved: The horrible behavior of the drunk on the sidewalk resulted in his being arrested by the police.
4. Arousing or tending to arouse repulsive feelings: After the conviction of the accused murderers, the judge stated that it was difficult to conceive of a more despicable or a more horrible crime.
2. To a great or excessive extent: When the big cruise ship ran into the rocks offshore from the island, the passengers were horribly neglected by the captain and crew.
2. Grossly offensive to decency or morality: Mr. Jones, the radio reporter, presented some horrid reports about citizens being shot by the military during their peaceful demonstrations.
3. Provoking disgust or extreme displeasure: The rancid soup had a very horrid taste.