
(Latin: green crop, grass)

herbaceous (adjective), more herbaceous, most herbaceous
1. Relating to an herb: Plants that are herbaceous have green stems, and not ones that are woody.
2. Descriptive of a green leaf: Mr. Wood, Jane's biology teacher, told the students that they should collect herbaceous foliages that are green and leaflike in appearance or texture for their next lesson that week.
herbage (s) (noun), herbages (pl)
1. Non-woody vegetation: The herbage that was grown for the livestock to eat consisted mainly of grass.
2. Pasturage; the vegetation of grazing land: The herbage on Sam's pasture included mostly clover and grass, just the right thing for his cattle.
herbarium (s) (noun), herbariums, heraria (pl)
An institution or building or a book for the preservation of plant specimens: "The university build a temperature controlled herbarium in which to store the preserved specimens of exotic plants collected from around the world. The famous explorer who had been a student at the university contributed her herbaria."
herbiferous (adjective), more herbiferous, most herbiferous
A reference to plants that produce a special kind of vegetation: There are herbiferous flavors and aromas that are related to various types of plants that are either used for medicine or those which give flavors to food.
All organisms, including animals, which feed only, or mainly, on plant materials.
herborize (verb), herborizes; herborized; herborizing
To search for existing plants or new species of herbs in order to classify them: Paul's botany teacher assigned his students to go out into the nearby fields to herborize the vegetation that was growing there.