heno-, hen-

(Greek: one; used as a prefix)

hendiadys (s) (noun), hendiadyses (pl)
1. A figure of speech in which two words connected by a conjunction "and" are used for emphasis to express a single notion that would normally be expressed by an adjective and a noun or expressed by two nouns or two adjectives joined, rather than by an adjective-noun combination: Examples of hendiadys include the following: "grace and favor" instead of "gracious favor"; "nice and warm" instead of "nicely warm"; "sound and fury" instead of "furious sound"; or as Virgil wrote, "We drink from cups and gold" instead of "golden cups".
2. Etymology: from Greek and Latin hen dia duoin, "one by means of two" or "one by two."
A figure of speech by which a number of things are considered as one.
henotheism (s) (noun), henotheisms (pl)
The worship of one god as the special god of a social group or occupation, while acknowledging or believing in the existence of other gods: "Henotheism is the worship of one of a group of gods, in contrast with monotheism, which teaches that only one God exists."

"Henotheism is considered to be a kind of polytheism (many gods) in which one god of the pantheon may be more powerful than the other gods."

henotheist (s) (noun), henotheists (pl)
Someone who worships a special deity out of several as the special god of the family, clan, or tribe: "When henotheists worship particular gods for their families or tribes, it is done without disbelieving in the existence of other gods."
Tending to make into one; unifying; reconciling, harmonizing.