(s) (noun), autogyros
1. An aircraft powered by a conventional propeller and supported in flight by a freewheeling, horizontal rotor that provides lift.
2. An flight machine that has a horizontally rotating propeller on a shaft above the fuselage that provides lift for the machine, with forward propulsion being provided by a conventional propeller; superseded in most applications as a helicopter.
(adjective), more dextrogyral, most dextrogyral
Pertaining to right-handed rotation of something: One example of a
dextrogyral thing is the right-handed screw.
Some dextrogyral crystals are capable of turning the polarization of light toward the right as opposed to the left.
(verb), dextrogyrates, dextrogyrated, dextrogyrating
Turning to the right.
(s) (noun), dextrogyrations
A turning to the right or a movement that goes to the right: Frank was driving his car to visit friends who live on a mountainside and he had to make many dextrogyrations in order to finally get to his destination.
A reference to moving in a circularly, a whirling, or a spirally action: A TV program had special dancing presentations that included all kinds of gyral movements which were very entertaining to watch.
(verb), gyrates, gyrated, gyrating
A twisting, folding, or coiling of material that has been done with overlapping whorls.
(s) (noun), gyrations
The act of doing circular or spiral motions; a rotation; a whirling.
(s) (noun), gyres
1. A round shape formed by a series of concentric circles.
2. A circular or spiral condition; a vortex; especially, a circular ocean current: There are
gyres, or ringlike systems of ocean currents rotating clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
(s) (noun), gyrectomies
An excision of a convolution or fold, twist, or coil of the brain, or a convolution on the surface of the cerebral hemisphere, of the cerebrum or head.
Referring to the presence of convolutions in the cerebral cortex.
gyro, gyros
1. A rotating mechanism in the form of a universally mounted spinning wheel that offers resistance to turns in any direction.
2. A Greek sandwich: sliced roast lamb with onion and tomato stuffed into pita bread.
A sandwich made from roasted lamb, originally the meat itself, as roasted on a rotating spit, from Modern Greek gyros, "a circle". The "s" was mistaken in English for a plural and so it was deleted; therefore, it went from gyros to gyro.
gyrocompass; gyrostatic compass
1. A compass that contains a gyroscope which is kept level so that it orients itself with "true north".
2. A north-seeking form of gyroscope used as a directional reference in navigation.
3. A navigational compass containing a gyroscope rotor, that, when adjusted for the latitude and speed of the vessel or aircraft, indicates the direction of true north along the surface of the earth or communicates this information to one or more gyro repeaters.
An aircraft that is supported in flight by unpowered rotating horizontal wings (or blades); forward propulsion is provided by a conventional propeller.
An autocopter (autogyro) is a type of rotary wing aircraft supported in flight by lift provided by a rotor. Unlike a helicopter, the rotor of an autogyro is driven by aerodynamic forces alone once it is in flight, and thrust is provided by an engine-powered propeller similar to that of a fixed-wing aircraft. The autogyro is a distinct type of aircraft and not a hybrid between fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters.
A genus of extinct oolitic fish, having rounded teeth in several rows which were adapted for crushing.
An instrument for recording revolutions or whirling rotations.
Related "around, round, surrounding" units:
cyclo-, -cycle;
Inter-related cross references involving word units meaning "bend, curve, turn":
flect-, flex-;