gutt-, gutti-, guttu- +

(Latin: drop)

gutta, gt. (s); guttae, gtt. (pl)
A drop or drops.

A medical/pharmaceutical term.

The amount in a drop varies with the nature of the liquid and its temperature. It is, therefore, not advisable to use the number of drops per minute of a solution as anything more than a general guide to the amount of material being administered intravenously.

Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary; F.A. Davis Company; Philadelphia, PA; 1993.
1. In biology, spotted as if by drops of something colored.
2. Resembling a drop, said of certain cutaneous lesions.
Drop by drop.
The exudation of water from leaves.
1. A channel at the edge of a street or road for carrying off surface water.
2. A trough fixed under or along the eaves of a building for draining rainwater from a roof.

Also called: "Regional eaves trough", "Regional rainspout", and "Regional spouting".

3. A furrow or groove formed by running water and to flow in channels or rivulets.
4. A trough or channel for carrying something off; such as, that on either side of a bowling alley.
5. In printing, the white space formed by the inner margins of two facing pages, as of a book.
6. A degraded and squalid class or state of human existence.

Befitting the lowest class of human life; vulgar, sordid, or unprincipled: gutter language; the gutter press.

7. To melt away through the side of the hollow formed by a burning wick; especially, with reference to a candle.
8. Etymology: from Middle English goter, gotere from Old French gutiere, goutiere (French gouttiere), "gutter, spout" (of water), "channel"; "groove", from gute, goute (French goutte), "drop" originally from Latin gutta, "drop".

Originally "a watercourse", later "furrow made by running water" (1586). Meaning "trough under the eaves of a roof to carry off rainwater" is from 1354. Figurative sense of "low, profane" is from 1818.

1. The gutters on a roof.
2. Metal or plastic channels for use as gutters.
3. The act of making gutters.
4. The gutters of an individual building.
5. Misfortune resulting in a lost effort or loss of money: "Their careers were in the gutter when the company went bankrupt."
6. In medicine, an operation in which the surface of a bone is grooved deeply.
7. The melted wax or tallow of a candle.
1. A child who spends most of his time in the streets especially in slum areas.
2. An insult suggesting that someone is regarded as having a rough or vulgar manner; especially, somebody with a lower-class background.
3. A child who wears dirty ragged clothes, has rough manners, and lives in the streets.
guttule, guttula
1. A small drop.
2. A spot like a small drop.
A reference to a small drop.
A narrow-necked Roman water jug or pitcher.

It was an elegant vessel, used by slaves for pouring water over the hands of guests before and after a meal.

A narrow-necked Roman cruet, or oil flask, by which liquids could be poured out drop by drop; used in sacrifices.