gutt-, gutti-, guttu- +
(Latin: drop)
A medical/pharmaceutical term.
The amount in a drop varies with the nature of the liquid and its temperature. It is, therefore, not advisable to use the number of drops per minute of a solution as anything more than a general guide to the amount of material being administered intravenously.
2. Resembling a drop, said of certain cutaneous lesions.
2. A trough fixed under or along the eaves of a building for draining rainwater from a roof.
Also called: "Regional eaves trough", "Regional rainspout", and "Regional spouting".
3. A furrow or groove formed by running water and to flow in channels or rivulets.4. A trough or channel for carrying something off; such as, that on either side of a bowling alley.
5. In printing, the white space formed by the inner margins of two facing pages, as of a book.
6. A degraded and squalid class or state of human existence.
Befitting the lowest class of human life; vulgar, sordid, or unprincipled: gutter language; the gutter press.
7. To melt away through the side of the hollow formed by a burning wick; especially, with reference to a candle.8. Etymology: from Middle English goter, gotere from Old French gutiere, goutiere (French gouttiere), "gutter, spout" (of water), "channel"; "groove", from gute, goute (French goutte), "drop" originally from Latin gutta, "drop".
Originally "a watercourse", later "furrow made by running water" (1586). Meaning "trough under the eaves of a roof to carry off rainwater" is from 1354. Figurative sense of "low, profane" is from 1818.
2. Metal or plastic channels for use as gutters.
3. The act of making gutters.
4. The gutters of an individual building.
5. Misfortune resulting in a lost effort or loss of money: "Their careers were in the gutter when the company went bankrupt."
6. In medicine, an operation in which the surface of a bone is grooved deeply.
7. The melted wax or tallow of a candle.
2. An insult suggesting that someone is regarded as having a rough or vulgar manner; especially, somebody with a lower-class background.
3. A child who wears dirty ragged clothes, has rough manners, and lives in the streets.
2. A spot like a small drop.
It was an elegant vessel, used by slaves for pouring water over the hands of guests before and after a meal.