grad-, -grade, -gred, -gree, -gress
(Latin: walk, step, take steps, move around; walking or stepping)
Dactylograde, toe walking, is not unusual in younger children who are just beginning to walk and otherwise growing and developing normally; however, toe walking after three years of age should be evaluated by a doctor.
2. In zoology, an animal that walks on its toes; such as, a cat, a lion, a wolf, etc.; distinguished from a plantigrade, which walks on the palm of the foot.2. A unit of measure on a scale: The students could measure the degrees of heat generated during their experiment using the temperature scale.
3. An academic title given to students who complete a prescribed course of study at a college or university, etc.: Ernestine was very proud of her science degree from the famous university.
The decree from the university announced to the world that Darin had achieved his academic degree in science during which he discovered a new degree for measuring vapor.
Pollutions in the atmosphere are still causing degrading qualities of the air around the world.

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For example, as a shoreline advances or retreats, a succession of continuous deposits representing different environments, such as a beach, shallow water, and deeper water, may be left behind as their ages vary depending on the positions of the shorelines through the various time sequences.
2. Relating to an animal; such as, a horse, a cat, or a dog, whose weight is borne on the toes.
3. Walking on the digits, with metacarpal and metatarsal bones clear of the ground, as do dogs and cats.