geus-, geuma-, -geusia, -geusic, -geustia +
(Greek: taste)
Absence or impairment of the sense of taste; it may be a result of a disorder in the gustatory apparatus (i.e. the taste buds): Ageusia is the inability to taste sweet, sour, bitter, or salty substances.
Ageusias may be seen in psychiatric conditions, particularly in depressed patients who complain that food is tasteless.
ageusic (uh GYOO sik)
A reference to the loss of the sense of taste.
1. Perversion of the sense of taste.
2. Abnormal appetite (taste) for unusual items to consume.
3. Perverted taste for non-nutritious or unusual substances.
2. Abnormal appetite (taste) for unusual items to consume.
3. Perverted taste for non-nutritious or unusual substances.
ambageusia (am buh GYOO see uh)
The loss of taste from both sides of the tongue.
amblygeustia (am bli GYOOS tee uh)
Hypogeusia; a diminution (loss) in the sense of taste.
An unpleasant or bad taste in the mouth which is a frequent complaint with idiopathic epilepsy when patients are receiving tranquilizer therapy and resulting in some somatic delusional conditions: Cacogeusia is not caused by food, drugs, or other material; but, it is usually a part of a sensation experienced at the beginning of a seizure or of psychomotor epilepsy.
dysgeusia (dis GYOO see uh)
Impairment or perversion of the sense of taste; impairment or perversion of the gustatory sense so that normal tastes are interpreted as being unpleasant or completely different from the characteristic taste of a particular food or chemical compound.
An aversion of unfamiliar tastes: Somehow Tim, suffering from geumaphobia, always avoided anything new to eat, fearing that the food would be unpleasant or even bad, and therefore there were only a very few restaurants he would go to.
There is a disorder known as "gustatory agnosia", in which food becomes very bland or even has a disgusting flavor. People who have this condition may also lose their ability to smell or may find that formerly pleasant odors have become offensive.
With an inability to smell, such phobics may fear that since they can no longer smell previous items, they might be eating or drinking something that formerly caused them anxieties.
glycogeusia (gligh koh GYOO see uh)
A subjective sweet taste or a spontaneous sensation of a sweet taste in the mouth.
hemigeusia (hem" ee uh GYOO see uh); hemiageustia (hem" ee uh GYOOS tee uh)
Loss of taste from one side (half) of the tongue.
An unusual condition of an unpalatable flavor in the mouth: Heterogeusis, or any kind of parageusia, is a perversion of the sense of taste in which all gustatory (taste) stimuli are distorted in a similar way.
A parageusia, or the perversion, of the sense of taste; a bad taste in the mouth involving an increased sensitivity of taste: Jillian's sister always experiences hypergeusesthesia whenever she tries to eat green beans or spinach.
hypergeusia (high pur GYOO see uh; high pur JYOO see uh)
An abnormal acuteness, or excess, of the sense of taste.
A loss of taste perception: The famous chef lived in dread that he might acquire hypogeusesthesia and be unable to taste the food he prepares.
hypogeusia (high poh GYOO see uh)
Blunting the sense of taste or a diminished acuteness of the sense of taste.
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