gameto-, gamet- +

(Greek: from gamet[e], "wife" and gamet[es], "husband" [from gamein, "to marry"]; used chiefly as "pertaining to a gamete, a mature reproductive cell")

1. A mature reproductive cell that does not fuse with another to form a zygote; a noncopulating germ cell.
2. An asexual reproductive cell that progresses directly into an adult as a spore.
gametophore, gametophoric
1. An upright branch in plants; such as, mosses that bears the reproductive organs.
2. That part of the plant that bears the gametes or sexual cells. In mosses, all of the plant except the "fruit," or seta and capsule.
An female organ or cell in which gametes are produced
A female gamete; egg; ovum.
heterogamete (s) (noun), heterogametes (pl)
A gamete that belongs to one of two distinguishable types: A heterogamete differs in shape and size ffrom the one with which it unites in fertilization:

A heterogamete is a mature reproductive cell produced by the heterogametic sex.

A gamete may fuse with another gamete of the opposite sex, to form a zygote (fertilized gamete). The male gametes are known as sperms and the female gametes as eggs.

homogamete, homogametic
Having only one kind of gamete.
The larger gamete, always female, produced by a heterogamous organism.
zoogamete (s) (noun), zoogametes (pl)
A motile ciliated mature sexual reproductive cell; planogamete: A zoogamete can move independently and is found in isogamous plants and green algae.

A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to "cell, cells, cell nucleus": celli-; cellulo-; cyto-; endothelio-; glio-; kary-, karyo-; neuro-.

Here is a general explanation about Cells and their Compositions.