funct-, fungi-
(Latin: to perform, to execute, to discharge; performance, service, execution)
The co-ordinated activity of the lower brain stem and spinal cord: Allomeric function is considered to be the activeness of the lower section of the brain and the medulla spinalis when considered as a single performing unit.
arousal function
1. The capacity that a sensory stimulus possesses to induce a state of vigilance, awareness, or readiness in the cerebral cortex.
2. The induction of an activated electroencephalogram by a sensory stimulus.
2. The induction of an activated electroencephalogram by a sensory stimulus.
1. Having two functions; such as, bifunctional neurons.
2. In chemistry Having or involving two functional groups or binding sites; such as, bifunctional reagents.
2. In chemistry Having or involving two functional groups or binding sites; such as, bifunctional reagents.
The trigonometric function of the complement of an angle.
The tangent, for example, is the cofunction of the cotangent.
damage function
A description of the relation between changes in the climate and consequent reductions in economic activity, relative to the rate of activity that would be possible in an unaltered climate.
defunct (adjective), more defunct, most defunct
1. Relating to something that no longer exists; having ceased its functions; dead, extinct: A few broken chairs and tables were all that were left from the deserted and defunct apartment.
2. Regarding something that is not in business or service any more; inoperative: The defunct garden magazine that June subscribed to last year cost less than the new one she subscribes to now.

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2. Regarding something that is not in business or service any more; inoperative: The defunct garden magazine that June subscribed to last year cost less than the new one she subscribes to now.

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Death: "The suddent defunction of her father came as a shock."
1. Of or pertaining to defunction or dying.
2. Becoming defunct; dying.
3. A reference to the dead; a funeral.
2. Becoming defunct; dying.
3. A reference to the dead; a funeral.
In mathematics, the Greek letter δ (lowercase) or Δ (uppercase); often used to represent a small distance or a small change in the value of a variable or function.
disfunction, disfunctional
1. Misspellings of dysfunction, dysfunctional.
2. Any disturbance in the function of an organ or body part.
3. Abnormal or impaired functioning, especially of a bodily system or social group.
2. Any disturbance in the function of an organ or body part.
3. Abnormal or impaired functioning, especially of a bodily system or social group.
An inadequate or impaired action of a bodily organ or part.
- A dental dysfunction or an abnormal use of the teeth.
- Minimal brain dysfunction or a mental deficit disorder.
Examples of dysfunctions:
1. Failing to perform the function that is normally expected.
2. Unable to function emotionally as a social unit.
3. In medicine, unable to function normally as a result of disease or impairment.
2. Unable to function emotionally as a social unit.
3. In medicine, unable to function normally as a result of disease or impairment.
A medical abnormality in the functioning of an organ or other part or system of the body.
ego function
The work of the ego in perceiving reality, mediating between it and the person and adapting the person to reality.
Its tasks include perception, self-awareness, motor control, defencse mechanisms, replacement of the primary process of the id with the secondary process, memory, affects, thinking, thought synthesis, and creativity.
electron wave function, electron-wave function
A function of the spin orientation and position of one or more electrons, specifying the dynamical state of the electrons.
The square of the function's modulus gives the probability per unit volume of finding electrons at a given position.