fortu-, fortun-

(Latin: chance, fate, luck)

Audaces fortuna iuvat (juvat) (Latin proverb)
Translation: "Fortune favors the bold."

Also given as Audentes fortuna iuvat: Fortune favors the daring. This motto for the bold and successful and for those who aspire to success was cited by many Roman writers.

The English proverb, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" provides another viewpoint of this Roman saying.

Chance or Fortune: Tyche, Fortuna
Greek: Tyche (goddess)
Latin: Fortuna (goddess)
fortuitist (s) (noun), fortuitists (pl)
Someone who believes that events come into existence by chance rather than according to intelligent design or natural law: Mike's cousin, Hector, considered himself a fortuitist because he placed his faith, regarding his future, to chance, taking no initiative to direct its course.
fortuitous (adjective), more fortuitous, most fortuitous
1. Descriptive of the phenomena or events which come to pass by unpredictability rather than in accordance with intelligent design or law: It was most fortuitous that Mr. Charles missed his train and arrived at the dock too late to sail on the Titanic which sank in the ocean.
2. Referring to something that happens unexpectedly with a lucky outcome: Glancing towards the gutter, Ethel noticed a ring glittering in the rain water, which was a fortuitous find, and she was able to receive a substantial reward for returning it to the person who owned it.
Happening by chance or accident.
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An unintended or unexpected meeting.
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A surprise and not planned meeting.
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fortuitously (adverb), more fortuitously, most fortuitously
A reference to how something happens by lucky guesswork or by a decision: When the thunderstorm started, Vera exclaimed that she had fortuitously brought her umbrella and so she was able to stay dry.
fortuitousness (s) (noun) (no pl)
The quality of something that has happened accidentally and as an unexpected result: The fortuitousness of the win by Jim and Karl at the race course was celebrated at the local pub before they went home.
fortuity (s) (noun), fortuities (pl)
Something that happens surprisingly or apparently by accident: The fortuity of the friends getting together after so many years of separation was much appreciated by all of them and they renewed their pledge to stay in touch with each other from then on.
A chance happening or occurrence.
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Fortuna (proper noun)
In Roman mythology, the goddess of chance: Fortuna is the goddess of luck, fortune, and fate and is identified with the Greek goddess Tyche.
fortunate (adjective), more fortunate, most fortunate
Pertaining to the state of being blessed, favored, or well-off: It was most fortunate and unexpected that Ivan was able to get a ticket for the concert that evening.

With all of his ailments, Frank is fortunate to have such a loving and devoted wife.

fortunately (adverb), more fortunately, most fortunately
1. Concerning how something unexpected or unintentional has happened: Fortunately for Tim, the family documents were rescued from the flooding.
2. A term which is used to show how the speaker or writer is happy to be able to report something: "Fortunately, the members of the committee have given us more time to finish our project", said Mr. Harris, the leader of the group.
fortune (s) (noun), fortunes (pl)
1. A position in life as determined by wealth: Sam found a way to make his fortune.
2. Wealth or riches: There are too many who have lost their fortunes in bad investments.
3. Great wealth; ample stock of money, property, and the like: Gisela's inheritance appears to be worth a fortune.
4. An unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome: Each of the brothers had the good fortune of marrying the right women.

Fortunes are things that happen or are going to happen to a person in his or her life.
5. Fate; one's lot or destiny: Josh is prepared to live with whatever his fortune may provide.
6. The situation of possessing an unintended success and prosperity: Harriet's family was blessed with a fortune as a result of their investments.
7. Someone's destiny of future events: The impromptu celebration was the result of fortune for everyone concerned.

fortune hunter (s) (noun), fortune hunters (pl)
A person who is trying to become very wealthy, especially by marrying a wealthy person: In her novel The Buccaneers, the author, Edith Wharton, wrote of the lives of several female fortune hunters seeking husbands in England.
fortune-teller, fortune teller (s) (noun); fortune-tellers; fortune tellers (pl)
Someone who claims to use special powers to tell what will happen to someone in time to come: At the circus, Margaret paid a fortune teller hoping to hear a prediction of love and wealth.
fortune-telling (s) (noun) (no pl)
In lexicomedy. seance fiction: Jack said, "Let's watch a movie about fortune-telling tonight!!"
fortune-telling, fortune telling (s) (noun); fortune-telling; fortune tellings
The practice of predicting the time ahead for those who are seeking a better life: Fortune-telling can consist of a person looking into a crystal ball, reading palms, and other methods with the intention of giving people a hope that something good will happen to them.

A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "chance, luck, fate": aleato-; auspic-; cad-; -mancy; serendipity; sorc-; temer-; tycho-.