fort-, forc-
(Latin: brave; power, strength, strong)
enforceable (adjective), more enforceable, most enforceable
Subject to the compelling observance of something: During the Corona pandemic, the wearing of nose and mouth masks in buses is enforceable according to the law in Germany.
1. The power, strength, or energy that someone or something possesses: "Houses were blown apart by the force of the hurricane."
2. Physical power, effort, or violence used against someone or something that resists what is being attempted against him/her or it.
3. The condition of being effective, valid, or applicable: "The police were accused of using excessive force when they arrested the drunk man."
4. Power or strength that is intellectual or moral rather than physical: "The audience was convinced by the force of her presentation."
5. Someone, or something, that has great power or influence; especially, in a particular field of endeavor: "He has been the driving force behind these political changes."
6. A body of military personnel, ships, or aircraft brought together to fight in a battle or a war: "Naval and army task forces were sent to the area."
7. A professional body of police officers.
8. A group of people who work together for a particular purpose; such as, an educational force.
9. A physical influence that tends to change the position of an object with mass, equal to the rate of change in momentum of the object.
10. To make someone do something the he or she does not want to do: "They forced all of us to work more hours with the same pay that we were receiving before."
11. Etymology: from Old French force, from Late Latin fortia; from Latin fortis, "strong".
2. Physical power, effort, or violence used against someone or something that resists what is being attempted against him/her or it.
3. The condition of being effective, valid, or applicable: "The police were accused of using excessive force when they arrested the drunk man."
4. Power or strength that is intellectual or moral rather than physical: "The audience was convinced by the force of her presentation."
5. Someone, or something, that has great power or influence; especially, in a particular field of endeavor: "He has been the driving force behind these political changes."
6. A body of military personnel, ships, or aircraft brought together to fight in a battle or a war: "Naval and army task forces were sent to the area."
7. A professional body of police officers.
8. A group of people who work together for a particular purpose; such as, an educational force.
9. A physical influence that tends to change the position of an object with mass, equal to the rate of change in momentum of the object.
10. To make someone do something the he or she does not want to do: "They forced all of us to work more hours with the same pay that we were receiving before."
11. Etymology: from Old French force, from Late Latin fortia; from Latin fortis, "strong".
force majeure (fohrs may-ZHUHR)
1. In law, an unexpected event that crucially affects someone's ability to do something and can be used in law as an excuse for not having carried out the terms of an agreement.
2. A superior or overpowering force or a force that is superior in power and impossible to resist.
3. An unexpected or uncontrollable event.
4. A natural and unavoidable catastrophe that interrupts the expected course of events.
5. A contract provision that excuses a performance if it is rendered impractical by an strong event; sometimes it is referred to as an "Act of God"; for example, a fire or a natural event; such as, a flood, terrible snow storm, etc.
2. A superior or overpowering force or a force that is superior in power and impossible to resist.
3. An unexpected or uncontrollable event.
4. A natural and unavoidable catastrophe that interrupts the expected course of events.
5. A contract provision that excuses a performance if it is rendered impractical by an strong event; sometimes it is referred to as an "Act of God"; for example, a fire or a natural event; such as, a flood, terrible snow storm, etc.
This term is French for "a greater force."
Something which a person does very well or with excellence; with reference to, talent, strength, ability, skill, etc.: Connecting well with clients has always been her forte which is what makes Mary such a great sales executive.
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As a student, Shirley can play classical and pop music, but her real forte is jazz improvisation or creating solos off the top of her head based on what she feels like doing at the time.
Ted told his mother that he was better than his friend in English and social studies, but not in math; that is Joe's forte.
![A person's strong point.](
![One's strong point of success.](