allo-, all-

(Greek: different, other, another; divergence; a combining form denoting a condition differing from the normal or a reversal, or referring to "another")

allochoric (adjective), more allochoric, most allochoric
Related to a life form occurring in two or more communities within a given geographical region: An allochoric species inhabits two or more closely related communities in the same region,such as forest and a grassland,
allochroic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to a color variation or having the ability to change color: There are some animals that are allochroic and among them are the mimic octopus, the chameleon, and the Pacific Tree Frog.
allochroism (s) (noun), allochroisms (pl)
An alteration or modification of color: Allochroism or change in color is used by some animals as a means of warning, including warding off a danger.
allochromacy (s) (noun), allochromacies (pl)
The formation of other coloring agents from a dye that is unstable in solution: Jane read about allochromacy as being a way of to achieve a coloring agent from a dye which was variable in a mixture or colloid.
allochromasia (s) (noun) (no pl)
A change in the color of the hair and/or skin: Some reasons for allochromasia can be produced by variation in pigmentation, too much sunlight, or by a disorder.
allochromy (s) (noun) (no pl)
In physics, the radiation emitted from a substance at a particular wavelength: Aallochromy results from the absorption of incident radiation of a different wavelength which occurs in fluorescence or the Raman effect.
allochronic (adjective), more allochronic, most allochronic
1. Relating to the condition of not being contemporary, or existing at different times: There have been allochronic populations of species living, growing, or reproducing during different seasons of a year.
2. Pertaining to different segments of geologic time: Susie wanted to know what plants occurred in the allochronic periods of the Earth's history.
allochronic speciation (s) (noun), allochronic speciations (pl)
A form of organic evolution starting from a life-giving reproduction that happens due to a change in time of breeding which lessens or stops gene flow between two groups of a species: Allochronic speciation is the process of developing different biological groups as a result of members of the population that have different breeding seasons or patterns, or differing in the use of time during the day or night, rather than through geographic separation.
allochthon (s) (noun), allochthons (pl)
A geological formation not created in the region where it was found: Allochthon takes place when a geological structure is moved to its present location by tectonic forces.

An allochthon is a mass of rock that has been transported a great distance from its original place of deposition, usually by tectonic forces, such as overthrusting or gravity sliding.

Am allochthon can be a rock mass formed somewhere other than its present location and was transported by fault movements, large-scale gravity sliding, or similar processes.

allochthonous (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to something not native to a particular habitat: Allochthonous rocks or deposits have emigrated or been imported from another environment.

Allochthonous features of a landscape or elements of its geologic structure are those that have been moved to their current position by tectonic forces.

In geology, allochthonous substances in a present site are at a distance from their place of origin.

allochthonous coal (s) (noun) (no pl)
A type of coal formed from accumulated plant material that was transported from its original place of growth and deposited elsewhere: Judy's teacher told his class about allochthonous coal that had been formed from plant substances that accrued from a place far from where the coal was formed.
allochthonous stream (s) (noun), allochthonous streams (pl)
A stream that flows in a channel it did not itself form: Mr. Smart showed his class a photo of a river, or allochthonous stream, rushing along in a man-made or artificial duct.
allochthony (s) (noun), allochthonies (pl)
A biomass not native to a particular habitat; allochthonous biomass: Susan read that am allochthony related to organic matter , like that of vegetation, that had its origin in some other environment.
allocinesia (s) (noun) (no pl)
A movement on the side of the body opposite the one the patient was asked to move: After many times, Mrs. Thompson always lifted her right hand when told to, but instead she always lifted her left hand, and Dr. Hathaway diagnosed her as having a condition of allocinesia.
allocinesis (s) (noun), allocineses (pl)
Passive or reflex movement other than controlled motion: The elderly Mr. Brown suffered from involuntary movements , which he did not intend, and his doctor told him that he had a disorder called allocinesis.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "another, other, different, alternating, varied, changing": ali-; alter-; allelo-; hetero-; mut-; poikilo-; reciproc-; vari-.