fluct-, flucti-, -flux, flu-, flum-, -fluent, -fluence

(Latin: flow, flowing; moving in a continuous and smooth way; wave, moving back and forth)

activated sludge process, actilvated sludge effluent (s) (noun); activated sludge processes; actilvated sludge effluents (pl)
A widely used method for sewage treatment that raises the level of biological activity: An activated sludge process takes place due to an increase of contact between wastewater and actively growing micro-organisms.
affluence (AF loo wuhns; af LOO wuhns) (s) (noun) (no plural)
1. A plentiful supply of material goods: Many foreigners have been amazed by the affluence and luxury of Americans.
2. An abundance of riches, wealth, or opulence: By choosing the right business, the family progressed from poverty to affluence within a few years.
Abundance of riches, wealth, or opulence.
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An abundance of wealth, riches, or opulence.
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for a list of additional Mickey Bach illustrations.

3. An abundant supply, as of thoughts or words; profusion: William had an affluence of ideas for the new project.
4. A flowing to or toward a point: The patient had an abnormal affluence of blood to the head.
5. Etymology: affluent and affluence are derived from Latin affluere, "to flow freely and in abundance".

By the way, have you ever heard of anyone who suffered from affluenza?

Affluence is the wealth more often attained by a will of your own than by the will of a relative.

—Evan Esar

Some people get their affluence through influence.

affluent (AF loo uhnt, uh FLOO uhnt) (adjective), more affluent, most affluent
1. A description of someone who is wealthy, financially well off, or rich: In a truly affluent society, there's more than enough material goods offered for everyone to buy.
2. Prosperous, having sufficient financial means to live comfortably: Monroe was described as an affluent man who had plenty of money, property, and possessions to take care of his desires.
Very wealthy with plenty of money.
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Very wealthy with plenty of money.
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Go to this Word A Day Revisited Index
for a list of additional Mickey Bach illustrations.

3. In an environmental context, to describe a small river or stream that is a tributary to a larger river: There is an affluent spring near Marita's home that will ultimately flow into the Mississippi River.
4. Etymology: from Latin affluentem, affluens, "flowing toward, abounding, rich, copious"; present participle of affluere, "to flow toward"; from ad-, "to" + fluere, "to flow".

"It's Still Good to be Rich. Uncle Sam wants your money, and the crowd outside the gate wants your head. How to survive the populist revolt against affluence."

—An article title by Daniel Fisher with Steven Bertoni and Devon Pendleton;
in Forbes magazine, "Survivor's Guide for the Affluent" (cover);
May 11, 2009; page 66.

Word History

The metaphor of the tides that we find in the word abundance is also found in affluent. Latin affluere means "to flow to", from ad, "to", and fluere, "to flow".

From its present participle, English borrowed affluent, originally in the literal meaning "to flow toward". Its meaning broadened to "flow freely" or "abundantly". Then a figurative use developed, "flowing with riches, wealthy".

Picturesque Word Origins; G. & C. Merriam Company;
Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A; 1933; page 10.
affluents (AF loo wuhns; af LOO wuhns)
Applies to people who have large incomes, usually incomes spent freely: "They were obviously affluents who were members of the international jet set."
affluenza (s) (noun) (no plural)
A psychological feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness; supposedly affecting wealthy young people: The term affluenza involves symptoms which include a lack of motivation, feelings of guilt, and a sense of isolation.

A social theory that claims individuals with very privileged and wealthy backgrounds sometimes struggle to determine the difference between right and wrong because of the way they were brought up.

A flow inward, to, or toward a point or area; especially of blood or other fluid toward a body part.
The act of flowing to; that which flows to.
astrological influences
Cosmic rays which can alter the nature of a person's body chemistry and electrical polarity according to the rapport of the body with the twelve sun signs.
biliary flux
Diarrhea with excessive amounts of bile; biliary diarrhea.
circumfluence (s) (noun), circumfluences (pl)
1. A flowing around on all sides; encompassing.
2. Enclosing with a fluid.
3. An enclosure of waters.
circumfluent (adjective), more circumfluent, most circumfluent
Pertaining to flowing all around or surrounding a place or something.
1. A flowing together of two or more streams, or a point at which streams combine to be one; such as, the Mississippi River's confluence with the Missouri River.
2. A stream formed by others which are combining: "Koblenz, is a city of west-central Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers southeast of Bonn.

The city was founded in about 9 B.C. as Castrum ad Confluentes by Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus (38 B.C.–9 B.C.). Confluentes (now Koblenz) was prominent in Carolingian times as a residence of the Frankish kings and as a meeting place for churchmen.

3. A gathering, flowing, or meeting together at one juncture or point: "It was a rare confluence of events."
1. Flowing together so as to form one; blended into one.
2. A stream that unites with another stream or a branch of a river that flows together with another river.
1. A flowing together; a meeting of two or more currents of a fluid.
2. A collection; a crowd; a multitude collected; such as, a general conflux of people.
costae fluctuantes
1. In anatomy, floating ribs.
2. The two lower ribs on either side that are not attached anteriorly.