fluct-, flucti-, -flux, flu-, flum-, -fluent, -fluence
(Latin: flow, flowing; moving in a continuous and smooth way; wave, moving back and forth)
In several metallurgical operations, the intentional formation of a low-melting, nonmetallic material that aids processing.
fluxing ore
An ore used in metallurgy that contains constituents that promote fluxing.
1. A flow, flowing, or discharge of liquid.
2. The act of flowing and the matter that flows.
2. The act of flowing and the matter that flows.
1. An instrument used for the measurement of magnetic flux or the lines of magnetic force arising from and found in the vicinity of a magnetized body.
2. A meter that measures magnetic flux by the current it generates in a coil.
2. A meter that measures magnetic flux by the current it generates in a coil.
hepatic flux
Diarrhea accompanying severe liver disease.
1. A power affecting a person, thing, or course of events; especially, one that operates without any direct or apparent effort: There are some people who can have an influence on other people's thinking or actions by means of argument, examples, or force of personality.
2. The power or authority that comes from wealth, social status, or position: The supervisor of Jim's company has a significant influence on his employees.
3. In astrology, an emanation that is believed to come from the stars and planets that affects human characteristics, personality, and actions: It is said that an ethereal fluid or supernatural influence issuing from the celestial bodies can affect a human's future, traits, etc.
4. Etymology: from about 1374, an astrological term meaning, "streaming ethereal power from the stars acting upon character or destiny of men"; from Old French influence, "emanation from the stars that acts upon one's character and destiny"; also "a flow of water", from Middle Latin influentia, "a flowing in" (also used in the astrological sense); which came from Latin influentem, influens, present participle of influere, "to flow into"; fromin-, "in" + fluere, "to flow".

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2. The power or authority that comes from wealth, social status, or position: The supervisor of Jim's company has a significant influence on his employees.
3. In astrology, an emanation that is believed to come from the stars and planets that affects human characteristics, personality, and actions: It is said that an ethereal fluid or supernatural influence issuing from the celestial bodies can affect a human's future, traits, etc.
4. Etymology: from about 1374, an astrological term meaning, "streaming ethereal power from the stars acting upon character or destiny of men"; from Old French influence, "emanation from the stars that acts upon one's character and destiny"; also "a flow of water", from Middle Latin influentia, "a flowing in" (also used in the astrological sense); which came from Latin influentem, influens, present participle of influere, "to flow into"; fromin-, "in" + fluere, "to flow".

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influence function
A function describing the effect of individual observations on a statistic.
Influence Machine
A device developed by English physicist Francis Hauksbee (1706) which is considered to be the first static electric or frictional electric machine.
It was a mercury-filled glass globe mounted on an axle; and when it was spun around, it would create a mysterious "luminosity" that crackled like lightning when it was touched and attracted metal particles.
1. The power of a person or a thing to affect others, seen only in its effect; weight, sway, power, control, pull: "Special-interest groups have too much influencing power on government."
2. Producing effects indirectly by means of power based on wealth, high position, etc.; persuading, inspiring, or arousing: "His wealth was the major influencing reason for her to marry him and love had nothing to do with it."
2. Producing effects indirectly by means of power based on wealth, high position, etc.; persuading, inspiring, or arousing: "His wealth was the major influencing reason for her to marry him and love had nothing to do with it."
1. A stream flowing into a lake or larger river; an inflow, especially a tributary.
2. In ecology, a non-dominant organism in a community that exerts an important modifying effect or a plant or animal that has an important effect on the biotic balance in a community.
2. In ecology, a non-dominant organism in a community that exerts an important modifying effect or a plant or animal that has an important effect on the biotic balance in a community.
influent flow
The flow of water into the ground from a body of surface water.
influent stream
1. A surface stream that flows into a lake, or any branch that flows into a larger stream.
2. A stream that has developed bank storage and that loses water to the zone of saturation.
2. A stream that has developed bank storage and that loses water to the zone of saturation.
1. Able to have a powerful effect on people and what they do, or on events.
2. Someone who is of considerable importance or influence.
3. Exerting influence or power by some invisible operation; such as, physical causes on bodies, or as moral causes on the mind.
2. Someone who is of considerable importance or influence.
3. Exerting influence or power by some invisible operation; such as, physical causes on bodies, or as moral causes on the mind.
It is particularly used to express the operation of moral causes.
By means of influence, so as to incline, move or direct.
influenza meningitis
An inflammation of the membranes of the brain and the spinal cord associated with influenza infection.