flori-, flor-, flora-, -florous

(Latin: flower; full of flowers, abounding in flowers; flora, plant life, plants of a general region or period)

albiflorous (adjective) (not comparable)
In botany, concerning a plant having white flowers: Some albiflorous plants include impatiens, begonias, and dahlias, all of which are annuals.
Bearing two flowers; two-flowered.
Producing two flowers or two-flowered.
breviflorus, breviflora, breviflorum (adjectives)
Short flowered.
Flowers in which stamens and petals are adnate to the calyx (closely attached to the side of a petiole or stalk).
1. Producing flowers on the older branches or main stem.
2. The production of flowers on the trunk, branches, etc., of a woody plant, as opposed to the ends of the twigs.
1. The production of flowers and fruits on the older branches or trunks of woody plants, such as the redbud, and many mostly tropical plants, including cacao.
2. Referring to flowers that grow on the main stems of tree limbs or the production of flowers on the trunk, branches, etc., of a woody plant, as opposed to the ends of the twigs.
1. Literally, a plucking or picking of flowers.
2. A selection of a flower or something which is very valuable.
With flowers withered or fallen.
To begin to lose its flowers, to fade.
Beginning to lose flowers, to fade.
Taking away the presence of or the beauty of a flower or flowers.
Beginning to break out or to burst forth into flowers or blossoms.
Breaking out into flowers.
The action or process of developing and unfolding as if coming into flower.