flect-, flex-
(Latin: bend, bending; curve, curving; turn, turning)
1. Having turns or windings: "The flexuous bed of the stream."
2. Curving, winding, or turning.
2. Curving, winding, or turning.
1. The state of being flexed (as of a joint).
2. The act of bending a joint; especially, a joint between the bones of a limb so that the angle between them is decreased.
3. A curve, turn, or fold; such as, a bend in a tubular organ: "A flexure of the colon."
4. The act or an instance of bending or flexing; flexion.
2. The act of bending a joint; especially, a joint between the bones of a limb so that the angle between them is decreased.
3. A curve, turn, or fold; such as, a bend in a tubular organ: "A flexure of the colon."
4. The act or an instance of bending or flexing; flexion.
Frangas, non flectes.
You may break [me], but you will not bend me or I may break, but I will not bend.
genuflect, genuflecting
1. To bend the right knee to the floor and rise again as a gesture of religious respect; especially in a Roman Catholic or Anglican church.BR>
2. To bend the knees and bow in a servile manner or to express a servile attitude.
3. To be servilely respectful or deferential; to grovel.
3. To be servilely respectful or deferential; to grovel.
genuflection, genuflexion
1. An act of bending the knee or touching it to the ground in reverence or worship.
2. An attitude; a gesture: involving, like prostration, a profession of dependence or helplessness, and therefore very naturally adopted for praying and for worship in general.
2. An attitude; a gesture: involving, like prostration, a profession of dependence or helplessness, and therefore very naturally adopted for praying and for worship in general.
1. To change the form of a word in accordance as required by the grammatical rules of a language.
2. To modulate (the voice).
3. To apply inflection to (a word).
4. To recite or display all or a distinct set of the inflections of (a word); to decline or conjugate.
5. To bend; to turn from a direct line or course.
6. In botany, to bend in.
2. To modulate (the voice).
3. To apply inflection to (a word).
4. To recite or display all or a distinct set of the inflections of (a word); to decline or conjugate.
5. To bend; to turn from a direct line or course.
6. In botany, to bend in.
inflection, inflexion
1. Deviation from a straight or normal course.
2. To change in the form of a word (usually by adding a suffix) to indicate a change in its grammatical function.
3. The patterns of stress and intonation in a language.
4. Modulation of the voice; change in pitch or tone of voice.
5. The process or device of adding affixes to or changing the shape of a base word to give it a different syntactic function without changing its form class.
6. The change in the shape of a word, generally by affixation, by means of which a change of meaning or relationship to some other word or group of words is indicated; the affix added to produce this change, as the -s in dogs or the -ed in played.
7. A bend or angle.
8. In mathematics, a change of curvature from convex to concave or vice versa.
2. To change in the form of a word (usually by adding a suffix) to indicate a change in its grammatical function.
3. The patterns of stress and intonation in a language.
4. Modulation of the voice; change in pitch or tone of voice.
5. The process or device of adding affixes to or changing the shape of a base word to give it a different syntactic function without changing its form class.
6. The change in the shape of a word, generally by affixation, by means of which a change of meaning or relationship to some other word or group of words is indicated; the affix added to produce this change, as the -s in dogs or the -ed in played.
7. A bend or angle.
8. In mathematics, a change of curvature from convex to concave or vice versa.
inflexible (adjective), more inflexible, most inflexible
1. A reference to being incapable of adapting or changing to meet another person's demands: Margarete's busy schedule made her quite inflexible that day, so she couldn't go out with her friends for lunch.
2. Firmly established and impossible to change: The football coach had inflexible rules for his team to follow.
3. Unyielding in purpose, principle, or temper; immovable: Mr. Henderson was a man quite established and inflexible in his habits.

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2. Firmly established and impossible to change: The football coach had inflexible rules for his team to follow.
3. Unyielding in purpose, principle, or temper; immovable: Mr. Henderson was a man quite established and inflexible in his habits.

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quasi reflection, quasi-reflecting
The strong return of light that occurs when its rays strike suspensoids; such as, dust particles, whose diameters exceed the light's wavelength.
reflect (verb), reflects; reflected; reflecting
1. To cast back light, heat, sound, etc. from a surface: The mirror reflected the light onto the wall.
2. To reproduce; to show: Hank's followers are reflecting his views regarding what to do in the financial conditions that exist at the present time.
3. To throw or to cast back; to cause to return or rebound: Sara's bitterness regarding her recent divorce reflects gloom on all of her family.
4. To give evidence of a person's quality or character; to show proof of a feature or attribute of something: The grade Ingrid got on her final examination in her history class reflects well on her abilities.
5. Etymology: from Latin reflectere, "to bend back" from re-, "back" + flectere, "to bend".

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2. To reproduce; to show: Hank's followers are reflecting his views regarding what to do in the financial conditions that exist at the present time.
3. To throw or to cast back; to cause to return or rebound: Sara's bitterness regarding her recent divorce reflects gloom on all of her family.
4. To give evidence of a person's quality or character; to show proof of a feature or attribute of something: The grade Ingrid got on her final examination in her history class reflects well on her abilities.
5. Etymology: from Latin reflectere, "to bend back" from re-, "back" + flectere, "to bend".

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reflection, reflexion
1. The image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material).
2. A fixing of thoughts on something; careful consideration.
3. A thought occurring in consideration or meditation.
4. An unfavorable remark or observation.
5. The return of light, heat, sound, etc., after striking a surface.
6. In anatomy, the bending or folding back of a part upon itself.
2. A fixing of thoughts on something; careful consideration.
3. A thought occurring in consideration or meditation.
4. An unfavorable remark or observation.
5. The return of light, heat, sound, etc., after striking a surface.
6. In anatomy, the bending or folding back of a part upon itself.
reflective, reflectiveness
1. Of, relating to, produced by, or resulting from reflection.
2. Capable of or producing reflection: "A reflective surface."
3. Characterized by or given to meditation or contemplation; thoughtful.
2. Capable of or producing reflection: "A reflective surface."
3. Characterized by or given to meditation or contemplation; thoughtful.