(Latin: son, and by extension, "daughter; offspring" or "family member")
A person, or an organization that is associated with another organization or person as a subordinate, a subsidiary, or a member: Sam was an affiliate as an artist with other museum staff.

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An official relationship or association: "The two CEO’s signed the document, formalizing the affiliation of their two companies."
Ecclesiae filii, a Greek phrase.
Sons of the church.
Motto of St. Edmund's School, Canterbury, UK.
filial (adjective), more filial, most filial
1. Pertaining or referring to a son or a daughter: Sharen had a warm, filial relationship, with both of her grown children."
2. Descriptive of a generation, or generations, who have descended from previous ones: Each of the children had the filial nose which was recognizable from generation to generation.
2. Descriptive of a generation, or generations, who have descended from previous ones: Each of the children had the filial nose which was recognizable from generation to generation.
filially (adverb)
A reference to or relating to a generation or the sequence of generations following a parental generation: "Black hair filially followed generations of women in the family."
filiate (verb), filiates; filiated; filiating
1. To decide who the parent of a child is through a judicial procedure: "During the disputed custody proceedings, the judge ordered that the paternity of the child be filiated to the mother."
2. To adopt the parentage of a child through a legal procedure: "Marjory and Mark plan to filiate a child from Asia before next year."
2. To adopt the parentage of a child through a legal procedure: "Marjory and Mark plan to filiate a child from Asia before next year."
1. A fact establishing that a child is from a certain parent or parents: "Through the judicial filiation, it was determined that little Jimmy was in fact Latonya's son."
2. A line of parental descent: "Shanna was interested in the filiation of her ancestors and so she carefully studied the Family Tree."
2. A line of parental descent: "Shanna was interested in the filiation of her ancestors and so she carefully studied the Family Tree."
filicidal (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to the killing of one's own son, or more generally, one's own child: "Filicidal indicates the killing of one's own son or daughter; especially, when the victim has lived beyond infancy."
filicide (noun), filicides (pl)
A person who kills a son or a daughter; a slayer of his or her own child or children: "After a lengthy investigation, the filicide was arrested and charged with the murder of her twins."
A generational relationship flowing from a son to his father: "The filiety between James and his father was strong and enduring."
A name derived from that of a son: "Bobby was the filonym for Bob, Jr. who was son of a father who was also named Bob."
Heroum filii.
Sons of heroes.
Motto of Wellington College, U.K.
Qualis pater talis filius.
Like father, like son.
Qui ex patre filioque procedit.
Who proceedeth from the Father and the Son.
The words and the Son were not included in the original Nicene Creed. The later insertion of these words occasioned the Filioque dispute; that is, one of the apparently irreconcilable differences between the Latin and Greek Orthodox churches.
unfilial (adjective), more unfilial, most unfilial
Not showing the normal or expected behavior of a son or daughter: "The mother was shocked at the unfilial manners and reactions of her daughter who often used loud and vulgar language."
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