fibro-, fibr-, fiber- +
(Latin: fiber [an elongated, threadlike structure]; a combining form denoting a relationship to fibers)
1. Composed of fibrous and conductive tissue, as in the vascular systems of higher plants; a fibrovascular bundle.
2. Plant tissue that provides structural support and conducts sap.
2. Plant tissue that provides structural support and conducts sap.
filament yarn
A large number of filaments that can be given texture by twisting, crimping, and/or treated with heat.
A hemangioma containing fibrous tissue.
A leiomyoma (benign uterine tumors also referred to as uterine fibroids) containing non-neoplastic collagenous fibrous tissue (protein substance of the white fibers), which may make the tumor hard.
Fibroleiomyoma usually arises in the myometrium (uterine smooth muscle), and the proportion of fibrous tissue increases with age.
Fibrolipoma, a benign neoplasm of fibrous connective tissue, with conspicuous numbers of adipose (fat) cells.
A helically twisted chain of bacterial cells, formed under certain culture conditions by Bacillus subtillis.
man-made fibers
Natural materials brought into fiber form by a chemical reaction (regenerate fibers) and fibers made from polymers (synthetic fibers).
The production of synthetic fibers was the result of pioneering work on the formation of synthetic polymers and the development of extrusion techniques known as "wet spinning", "dry spinning", and "melt spinning".
- "Wet spinning" involves converting polymer solutions into fibers by diluting a highly concentrated polymer solution in a coagulating bath; where one of the main purposes of developing wet-spun polymers is to produce specific fiber structures in the coagulation bath.
- In "dry spinning", the polymer solution is forced through a spinneret where solvent is then evaporated in a warm current of air to produce almost solvent-free filaments.
- With "melt spinning", the polymer is melted by heating and then passed through a spinneret via a spinning pump; so, melt spinning requires polymers that are thermally stable and, as far as possible, resistant to thermal oxidation at certain high temperatures.
It is believed that future developments of fibers will probably be directed toward classical mass production; especially, towards attaining optimal processing characteristics and clothing comfort.
New types of applications in the field of industrial fibers and in medical technology will stimulate the development of special fibers with very specific properties.
A bridge of the distal esophagus as a consequence of variceal sclerosis (abnormally hardening of an enlarged or twisted blood vessel or lymphatic vessel).
One of the slender threads of a muscle fiber, composed of numerous myofilaments (ultramicroscopic threadlike structures composing the myofibrils of striated muscle fibers).
myofibrilla (s), myofibrillae (pl)
1. One of many contractile filaments that make up a striated muscle fiber.
2. Long cylindrical organelle of striated muscle, composed of regular arrays of thick and thin filaments and constituting the contractile apparatus
2. Long cylindrical organelle of striated muscle, composed of regular arrays of thick and thin filaments and constituting the contractile apparatus
A benign tumor derived from smooth muscle.
1. Replacement of muscle tissue by fibrous tissue.
2. Chronic myositis with diffuse hyperplasia of the interstitial connective tissue pressing upon and causing atrophy of the muscular tissue.
2. Chronic myositis with diffuse hyperplasia of the interstitial connective tissue pressing upon and causing atrophy of the muscular tissue.
Inflammation of the perimysium or the connective tissue sheath which surrounds a muscle, and sends partitions inwards between the bundles of muscular fibers.
1. A sarcoma with myxoid (containing mucus; mucoid), chondroid, and fibrous components.
2. A malignant neoplasm derived from fibrous connective tissue, i.e., a fibrosarcoma, in which there are intimately associated foci of cartilaginous and myxomatous tissue (a benign tumor of connective tissue containing jellylike material).
2. A malignant neoplasm derived from fibrous connective tissue, i.e., a fibrosarcoma, in which there are intimately associated foci of cartilaginous and myxomatous tissue (a benign tumor of connective tissue containing jellylike material).
A benign neoplasm (abnormal growth) of fibrous connective tissue that resembles primitive mesenchymal (embryonic, undeveloped or embryo) tissue.