-fer, -ferous
(Latin: to bear, to carry; to produce; to bring)
1. The act or fact of moving from one location to another one: Hazel's transference to the new office of the car dealership was completed on the weekend.
2. The movement or redirection of one's feelings about someone or something from the past to an individual with whom one is currently involved: Dr. Jones was concerned about the transference that Iris was presenting towards her therapist because she was acting in an unusually angry and emotional way.
2. The movement or redirection of one's feelings about someone or something from the past to an individual with whom one is currently involved: Dr. Jones was concerned about the transference that Iris was presenting towards her therapist because she was acting in an unusually angry and emotional way.
Someone who is legally responsible for changing ownership of property from one individual or institution to different one: The team of lawyers were the transferors of the original ownership of the factory to the new company.
transferred (adjective), more transferred, most transferred
Relating to something that has been moved to another place: Jack was checking the transferred data that he received on his computer.
A person who moves something from one location to a new place: Robert, the teller at the bank, acted as the transferrer of Carson's funds from his home bank to a new account in Germany.
undeferential (adjective), more undeferential, most undeferential
Pertaining to a lack of courteous respect for others: Sam's brother demonstrated an undeferential, or rude and discourteous response, when his mother told him he could not go to a movie before Friday because the following day was still a school day.
untransferable (adjective), more untransferable, most untransferable
Referring to something or someone who can't be moved to another place, occupation, etc.: Ricardo was in a financial situation which made his desire to move to a bigger house with his family an untransferable possibility.
Among the passengers in the sinking cruise ship, Lynn and Carl were untransferable because the vessel fell over on its side and none of them were able to find an available lifeboat.
unvociferous (adjective), more unvociferous, most unvociferous
Characteristic of a quiet or subdued person or group of people: Mr. Smith's unvociferous students were all busy working to complete the etymologies or origins of the assigned Latin and Greek words before the end of the period.
The peacefulness and calmness of individuals who are trying to achieve their objectives quietly without arguing: The unvociferousness of the union members and the company representatives regarding pay increases resulted in a congenial relationship for both groups.
unvociverously (adverb), more unvociverously, most unvociverously
Characteristic of being relaxed, serene, and composed: Olivia's unvociverously controlled attitude and behavior were just two of the assets which convinced her new employer that she would be the right person to take care of customer relationships in a positive way.
Noisy outbursts, screaming, yelling, and shouting: There were a lot of vociferances by Judith, Eldon and the university students who were pepper sprayed by the police because they refused to quit their demonstrations against the tuition increases and go home.
vociferant (adjective), more vociferant, most vociferant
A reference to clamorous noises or the utterances of loud cries: The marching band created the most vociferate noise the town had ever heard and it was accompanied by the shouts and cheers of the townspeople.

vociferate (verb), vociferates; vociferated; vociferating
1. To cry out noisily; to shout; to howl: The hungry calves in the barnyard vociferated as they were calling anxiously for their mothers.
2. To yell, to complain, or to strongly proclaim: At the campus rally for better food in the cafeteria, the student leaders, Richard and Henry, vociferated their concerns.

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2. To yell, to complain, or to strongly proclaim: At the campus rally for better food in the cafeteria, the student leaders, Richard and Henry, vociferated their concerns.

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Excessive howling or yelling; especially, in protest of something or someone: The police presence at the demonstration was to keep the vociferations of the protesters, including Buddy and Timmy, under control.
A person or group of people who are shouting or screaming: The vociferators could not be ignored when they were letting city officials know of their strong feelings about the police officer who shot and killed an unarmed teenager.
An uproar, furor, and passionate condemnations: There is no denying that the vociferosities by many countries about the beheading of two reporters and a man who was helping people in need, by a terrorist group, will result in strong military attacks against them.
Cross references of word families related to "bear, carry, bring": duc-; ger-; later-, -lation; phoro-; port-.